Succession Planning – To Have Employees Ready to Fill New Roles

Succession Planning

Succession planning is a function in HR management that is very vital for the future of organization. As the organization expands, there would be new roles to fill. As the time passing by, some key employees may go and leave an empty spots to be filled. Succession planning will guarantees that you will have employees ready to fill new roles and empty spots to ensuring company’s continuity.

Succession planning is important and beneficial for employer. A good succession planning will ensure each role; especially key roles in the company will be filled with strong players with enough knowledge and expertise in the correspondence fields. With succession planning, you will have the successor understand and used to the company culture and objective. Unlike recruiting new people, the successor from succession planning will easily adapt to his new role in the company and already have the same vision and mission with the company. In addition, the loyalty level commonly higher if you prepared your staffs from early stage.

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