How To Train Employee With AI Technologies (And Prepare Them) Through Different Examples And Ways

how to train employee with AI

Cheap and competent: Those two words describe AI technologies better than any other adjectives. That’s why, lots of companies are implementing AI technologies today. At the same time, human employees are still needed in many of company’s processes. As a result, topics like “how to train employee with AI” rise as the trending topics.

Different AI technologies would have different buttons and menu interfaces that employees need to familiarize themselves with. Being familiar with the interfaces will let employees collaborate with AI to achieve their maximum potentials. In this article, we will start with familiarizing with the uses of AI technologies for employee training programs:

Examples Of How AI Technologies Are Used To Train Employees

With the provided menu and buttons in the AI’s interface, AI technologies function most in learning, training, and development purposes. So, “how to train employee with AI?” Here are the examples to use AI technologies to train employees:

1. Video Editing

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Now, there are lots of free video editing software that companies can try to use. Companies can use those tools to make interactive manuals in the employees’ onboarding systems. The inputs would be the humans’ (employees’) face and their dialogues.

After understanding such things, all that employees need to know in this AI function are to apply video effects. Only by applying the correct effects and making the necessary edits will the videos be understandable.

2. Information-Gathering

Here, we don’t mean copy-and-paste from the AI technologies’ chat scripts. Instead, the AI’s proficiency in gathering ideas from public sources (search engine, for example) is more important. In answering, “How to train employee with AI?” we need to make use of the information-gathering functions of the AI.

Companies can train employees in using the already-gathered information from the AI to run their tasks. Then, employees can make their interpretations and presentations based on the data.

3. Content-Creating

In general, the users’ questions become AI’s inputs in terms of content-creating processes. The FAQs pages can be the contents to educate employees. Companies can also create FAQs contents to minimize repetitive questions from employees who experience difficulties in operating the platforms.

In answering, “How to train employee with AI?”, the company can instruct the employees to input general questions. From there, the company will train employees to improvise based on AI’s answers ideas and the company’s rules.

4. Evaluation Session

AIs can produce data analysis and outputs that will be useful for companies to have some employees’ evaluation sessions. For instance, typing some kinds of employees’ skillsets will lead AIs to analyze if this employee can continue their works.

The company might have inputted different KPIs to the AI’s systems. Then, the AI will use the KPI measurements to evaluate how the employees do well in their training sessions. From these evaluations, companies will know what other strategies to employ in training their employees.

How To Prepare Employees In Collaborating With AI?

Previously, we’ve seen examples of how companies can use AI technologies to train employees. Then, again, the steps in preparing employees to collaborate with AI involve the examples and other similar examples. Here are three pillars that companies often use to prepare employees to collaborate with AI (plus examples):

1. Reskilling and Upskilling

In preparing employees to collaborate with AIs, companies can use the skill-gap analysis to formulate strategies. In doing so, it’s either one AI for several departments or several AIs for one department. Either way, companies can compare the employees’ performances with the inputs, processes, and outputs, from the AIs.

Then, company representatives can think of reskilling the employees if the gap percentages are more than 60% (for example). If the gaps were close, companies would think of ways to upskill the employees. Then, again, companies can match the AI-given insights to the resources that they’ve already got.

By doing so, companies save time and effort in hiring and training new candidates. As a result, the cycles of getting stuck between reskilling and upskilling can be minimized.

2. Energizing Employees To Learn

The primary objective for all AIs should be for any types of learning. No wonder, the presence of AIs would always produce new things for us to learn. One of the simplest examples is the GPT and OpenAI in creating contents.

Now that these OpenAI technologies become widely accessible for publics, employees should think more to make their works feel humane. Readability is no longer becoming the primary purpose for any types of in-house writers. Instead, creativity in “bringing arts to life” becomes the non-negotiable focus.

Some other AI technologies are also meant for aiding research processes in a company. Some examples of such AI uses are bringing together international journals or recommending books. Then, companies can use these recommended literatures from AIs to create manuals for employees, including a training manual.

3. Getting Personally Closer To The AI

If AI was a human and had its life motto, it would be, “Always learning, always watching,” The more companies encourage employees to interact with AIs, the more likely AIs would learn from the inputs. As a result, it’s not foreign for human beings to “befriend” an AI.

The same also goes for an employee: Whenever he/she becomes familiar with the AI’s coding, the operations would be easier. At some points, companies might recommend internal employees to contribute in AIs’ coding developments. Some AIs can also speak and interact through human-like capacities that they can befriend people.

Companies can take these whole upgrading and updating the AI systems to strengthen the bonds between them and their employees. From there, companies would optimize the uses of AIs in all departments.

Some Final Words (a.k.a. “The Conclusions”)

Learning is the AI’s forte; as such, companies can encourage and motivate employees to learn new things. Learning is usually equal to the information-gathering examples, even though it can come from evaluation sessions as the example.

Companies can extract analysis from AI’s learning processes to evaluate how well an employee perform. Additionally, they can also use the provided information to formulate strategies on training employees’ skills and preparing them to collaborate.

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