Career Management Initiatives and Career Path

Organizational Initiatives of Career Management : These refer to the reality that it is the employees within the organization that make initiatives prosper. When their performance objectives are identical to that of their organization’s initiatives and when they perfectly meet their performance objectives, then, the organization’s initiatives flourish.

Some Examples of Career Initiatives :

1) A Job Posting System
• Job posting is an organized process that allows employees to apply for open positions within the organization.
• They can respond to announcements and postings of positions and then be considered along with external candidates.
Job Posting System is the arrangement wherein a company privately posts a list of open positions (which include the job requirements as well as their descriptions) in order for the current employees who aspire to shift to different functional areas or positions may apply.

2) Mentoring Activities
• The primary purpose of a mentoring system is to introduce people to the inner network of the organization, which may assist them in their career advancement.
• Mentoring systems help clarify the ambiguous expectations of the organization, provide objective assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of new employees, and provide a sounding board for participants.

Mentoring activities make use of the same skills and models of listening, questioning, reframing and clarifying connected with coaching. Conventionally, however, mentoring in the workplace has managed to describe a relationship wherein a well-experienced co-worker utilizes his/her own greater know-how and deeper understanding of the job or workplace in order to sustain the growth of an inexperienced colleague.

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3) Career Resource Centers
• A career resource center returns the responsibility of career development to the employee.
• The center offers self-directed, self-paced learning, and provides resources without creating dependence on the organization.
• Career development works only if employees accept responsibility for their own careers.
• One of the fundamental goals of career development is to help facilitate career decision making, which helps to develop career exploration and evaluation competencies.
• The primary services provided at career resource centers are: educational information, career planning, and personal growth, and job-finding skills.

Career Resource Centers provide an environment for individuals to explore various jobs, discover the suitable education or training as well as develop the required skills for the workforce. This makes it quite fundamental to master how to develop a career resource center which satisfies the needs or demands of your clients so you can enable these people to prowl after their careers that empower and fulfill them.

4) Managers as Career Counselors
• These initiatives bring several unique advantages to the career counseling role. Managers:
• can make realistic appraisals of organizational opportunities
• can use information from past performance evaluation to make realistic suggestions concerning career planning
• have experienced similar career decisions and can be empathetic toward the employee

In truth, the individuals you recruit or hire have strong desire for success and are to some extent ambitious. This is not only about a matter of promotion. So, managers have to realize the fact that they play a crucial role in getting their employees where they aspire to go inside the firm and beyond.

5) Career Development Workshop
• Career development workshop is designed to encourage employees to take responsibilities for their careers.
• Employees can reflect on their present occupation in order to determine their level of satisfaction.
• Thus, workshops and seminars are excellent vehicle for orienting employees to career/life planning, a major component of career development.
• What knowledge and skills do you need to attain your goals?
• How do you plan to gain knowledge and skills?
• Is your plan realistic? What are the obstacles? What obstacles are self-imposed?
• What is your commitment to developing your career?

Career Development Workshops are specifically customized in order to satisfy the needs of individuals at different levels; experience and their skills and experience and not to mention the demographic groups.

By means of an encouraging combination of group discussion and self-assessment exercises, workshops offer the participants with useful knowledge and effective techniques for prospering in today’s job world; support them in instituting a personal career plan that composed of the development of realistic and meaningful life and career goals.

6) Human Resource Planning and Forecasting
• Human resource planning is viewed process of analyzing an organization’s human resource needs under changing conditions and developing the activities necessary to satisfy these needs.
• From the analysis of needs, priorities can be determined and human resources can be allocated to satisfy existing future needs through career management.

Human Resource Planning purposely takes into account the types and the levels of human resources required to guarantee the success of the firm’s strategic plan.
This comprised of the evaluation of how many qualified individuals are needed in order to execute the personnel demand or assigned activities, the internal supply or how many individuals will be available and also what must be performed to assure that personnel supply correspond to personnel demand at the suitable point in the future.

7) Performance appraisal
• Performance appraisals are a tool HRD practitioners can use to guide and direct future growth opportunities for employees.
• This should aid in the development of a person’s career as well as enhance communications and understanding.

The performance appraisal is described as a review and a discussion of a worker’s performance in terms of his/her appointed duties and responsibilities. This is formed on the results attained by the worker in his/her job and is not based on the worker’s personality attributes.

The appraisal evaluates skills and achievements with consistency.

It offers an approach to aid determine areas of performance improvement and to aid support professional development. It must not, however, be regarded as the supervisor’s exclusive communication tool. It is vital to have open lines of communication all through the year to aid make efficient working relationships.

8) Career Path
• Career path is the sequencing of work experiences, usually different job assignments, in order to provide employees with the opportunity to participate in many aspects of a professional area.

• For example, in order for a salesperson to move up the ladder to regional manager, it is important that he or she understand all aspects of the job.

• Therefore, a career path in sales might include a period of time in sales, account supervision, and district management.

• By experiencing each of these related but different occupations, the employee can develop a better understanding of the broad role of regional manager.

A Career Path is described as a smaller cluster of jobs inside the so-called career cluster which utilize identical skills. This tool aids an individual discover how he/she may shift from one job to another inside a career cluster.

A career path is a smaller group of jobs within a career cluster that use similar skills. A career path helps you find out how you might move from one job to another within a career cluster.

Three Types of Career Paths
Historical Career Path – through the past structures of the progression of career and identifying how the officials got where they’re currently are; this can aid as a reliable basis for job transfers and promotions.

Organizational Career Path
• offers career direction for workers
• maximizes employee involvement in tasks and jobs
• reduces turnover though providing employee objectives for growth
• offers tool for conversations with managers
• increases providing through enhancing morale
• enhance alignment with worker and firm needs

Behavioral Career Path
• this is closely associated to your exclusive and inborn nature and is likely to be constant over time.

• it is valuable to note that understanding your interpersonal as well as your personal needs enables you to discover the interrelationship between your work style and the manner you make decisions.

• career alternatives can be utilized as a foundation for planning your career and this can also help make necessary changes beneficial to the progress of one’s career.

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