Career Planning and Development– this refers to offering employees the guidance to formulate opportunities and realistic career goals in order to realize them.
Career Stage
• Trial Stage. This is the time from approximately age 25 up to 30 during which an individual identify whether or not the selected field is appropriate and if it is not, tries to alter it.
• Stabilization Stage. this is the period in which approximately from the age 30 up to 40, during which occupational objectives are set and clearer career planning is established in order to identify the progression of obtaining goals.
• Mid Career Crisis Stage. This refers to the period taking place between mid-30s and mid-40s during which individuals usually make a major re-evaluation of their progress comparative to their original goals and aspirations.
• Maintenance Stage. This is the period approximately ages 45 up to 65 during which the individual protects her/his position or place in the workplace.
• Decline Stage. This pertains to the period during which several people are challenged with the probability of having to accept minimized levels of responsibility and power.
Career Anchors
• This refers to a value or concern which a person will not give up if choice has to be made.
• They are regarded as the turning points around which an individual’s career swings; an individual becomes aware of them as a consequence of mastering her/his anilities and talents.
The Five Career Anchors
• Technical/ Functional Career Anchor
Individuals who have technical/functional career anchor are more likely to prevent decision which would encourage them toward general management.
Rather, they make decisions which will allow them to remain and develop in their selected technical/functional field.
• Managerial Competence as a Career Anchor
Individuals who demonstrate strong motivation to become managers
Their career experience allows them to regard that they possess the values and skills required to advance to such general management position.
• Creativity as a Career Anchor
Individuals who carry on becoming successful entrepreneurs.
These individuals appear to have a need to create something which is completely their very own product- a process or product which carries their name, a firm of their own or a personal possession that reflects their attainments.
• Autonomy and Independence as Career Anchor
Individuals who are encouraged by the need to be on their own, free from the dependence which can take place when an individual chooses to work in a big organization.
A few of these individuals decide to become consultants, performing either alone or as part comparatively small company. On the other hand, others become freelance writers, professors or proprietors of a mini retail business.
• Security as a Career Anchor
Individuals who are primarily concern with long-range job security and career stability.
These people seem willing to execute what is needed to sustain a decent income, a stable future and a job security in the form of a beneficial retirement program as well as benefits.
Career Management and the First Assignment
Factors to consider in terms of the fundamental first assignment, involve :
• Prevent reality shock. This pertains to the outcome of a period which may take place at the original career entry when the new worker’s high job expectations encounter the reality of unchallenging and boring jobs.
• Be demanding.
• Offer realistic job review in recruiting.
• Offer challenging initial jobs.
• Offer career-oriented performance appraisals.
• Offer periodic job rotation.
• Develop career planning activities.
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