Keeping the employees of an organization positively motivated is arguably the most important aspect of a company. With motivated employees, many organizations have found that the company can be switched on “auto-pilot” mode, where there is no need for extreme supervision and/or monitoring, as each and every employee is driven to success and determine to strive for the best both for themselves and also the company.
However, keeping the employees motivated is only half the job done. As mentioned earlier, it’s still very crucial to hire the right employees with the right attitude so that there will be less constant need for instructions, directions, and supervision.
One of the ways to keep an employee motivated is through performance management, where the employees are given a chance to evaluate their performance with their team leaders and discuss for ways to improve.
Since the basic objective of a company’s motivation function is to retain good, reliable, and high-performing employees and to boost their morale to give their best to the company, this needs to be done with tact, as some employees tend to view performance management and appraisal as a way to berate and criticized their performance.
Making sure the employees thoroughly understand the need and importance of an appraisal, the organization can cultivate a healthy workplace environment where every employee realizes why he or she needs to ensure satisfactory performance.
There are two elements in performance appraisal. They are: competencies and performance.
Depending on the organization, these elements are given scores in which will be totaled up as the employee’s overall performance appraisal. This score will determine the employees’ promotion and salary decision. Not only that, these scores will reflect on the employees’ strengths and weaknesses that will affect his or her career plan within the organization.
Through performance management, the employee and his or her supervisor have a good opportunity to discuss any issues that are otherwise can be challenging to discuss openly among other employees. From this, the supervisor can also take the chance to motivate the employee by suggesting any suitable training to make up the areas of development or also encourage the employee to give suggestions as to how he or she would like to improve any aspect of the job and/or workplace.
In order to keep the employees positively motivated, show of appreciation is often required. The compensation management and employees benefit are two ways to reward and show appreciation for the contribution from the employees. People often work better when they know they are valued and not taken for granted. Whether the recognition is given through monetary form or additional benefits, an employee will often rate a company’s worth based on how it treats them. This can increase their trust, confidence, and loyalty to the company and therefore, make them stay.
Other than financial rewards and recognition, helping an employee to plan for his or her career goals can also help an employee to stay positively motivated. Through a career plan, the employee will not only be seen as a machine to crunch numbers, but also a person that has goals, missions and visions to develop him or herself better. By setting clear, measurable, and observable goals, both employee and supervisor can work together to encourage and motivate the employee to achieve his or her goals.
By making the employee feels heard and taken seriously, he or she will be able to focus on improving him or herself. Motivating employees is key in maintaining a healthy and positive relationship at the workplace.
Maintaining and sustaining the efforts and plans by the organization is as important as planning and executing them. Human Resource Management is in charged of maintaining all activities and aspects concerning human resources of an organization. This is done through communicating updated policies through HR information system as well as anything relating to the employees’ benefits, safety, and health.
The maintenance function of the Human Resource Management is important as it helps to maintain the employees’ commitment and loyalty to the organization. By looking out for the employees’ health, safety, work environment, communication, and assistance programs, Human Resource Management needs to encompass everything an employee needs to perform and function well in the organization. Through these, the employees know they are well taken care of and therefore there will be less turnover.
The maintenance of these systems and channels needs to adhere to the country’s in which the organization is operating in. The employees need to know that the law is on their side should any unfortunate event occur while they’re employed in the organization. Making these channels and systems transparent and easily accessible can help to boost the employees’ confidence in the organization.
Maintaining that these systems and channels are working efficiently and are easily accessed by the employees will help the organization’s operation to run smoothly. Furthermore, having an efficient system in place will help the employee to feel heard and appreciated for they’re able to voice out their concerns, feedbacks, and/or raise issues without any challenges. These aspects are highly important in retaining the employees.
These key principles in Human Resource Management need to work seamlessly together in order to ensure an efficient organization. Above all, Human Resource Management needs to act with integrity and professionalism regardless of the employees’ background.
The Human Resource Management should and must operate based on these principles:
Merit – HRM needs to be unbiased about appointments and pay of an employee as it needs to be based on the employee’s competencies
Fairness – Treating all employee with equal just and honesty
Diversity – Recognizing the each and every employee is different and possess individual characteristics that make them unique and distinct
Reasonableness – Any conduct is executed within reasonable actions and based on just and sound judgment
Transparency – Ensuring all policies are clear, transparent, and accessible by anyone of any station in the organization
Natural justice – Ensuring that all administrative procedures are conducted in fairness and in due process
Adhering to these principles and conducting itself in an honorable manner, the Human Resource Management will play a key role in driving both the employee and the organization forward.
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