“Good to Great” Topics for Powerpoint Slides, Your Corporate Must Know

Thinking of doing a presentation tomorrow but don’t know what to talk about? You might interested to try explaining the concept of “Good to Great” for your your team.

For those of you who have been studying HR management for a while, you might be familiar with this term coined by Jim C. Collins.

He is an American researcher, writer, speaker and consultant who focuses on the subject of business management and corporate growth.

One of the popular concepts he introduced is “Good to great”, this refers to a process of making something better into great.

Sounds interesting enough? We’ll dig deeper into what is actually hidden on the concept and its key value. Kindly, continue to read.

Understanding What is Good to Great?

As we said earlier, Good to Great is a concept or process of transforming a company to reach the greatness.

In our opinion, this concept seems want to underlined something important. Yes, sometimes companies already feel good and that is enough, so they are reluctant to reach a higher level.

In fact the status of “Good” is just the beginning. Companies should be able to reach the point of “Great” as their main goal.

This principle is very important in business, to ensure that the business does not stagnate and continues to change for the better over time.

The change that occurs does not have to be spontaneous but rather gradual. More or less, this is what is referred to as the concept of good to great in general way.

The Key Points of Good to Great (For Your Presentation Slides)

Well, after understanding what the concept of good to great is. Next, we will discuss what steps or strategies must be taken to achieve it.

This material can be an outline or discussion points that you can explain on presentation slides when conducting meetings with company teams or internal organization members. Here are the key points.

1. Implementing Level 5 Leadership

Level 5 leadership is a leadership concept that is relevant to the concept of good to great. Companies that want to transform from good to great are encouraged to apply this principle.

These five levels start from level 1 (the lowest) to level 5 (the highest), which is similar to pyramid.

  • Level 5: Executives, building enduring greatness through a paradoxical combination of personal humility and professional willpower
  • Level 4: Effective leader, catalyzing commitment and pursuit of a clear and compelling vision, stimulating the group with high standards of performance
  • Level 3: competent manager, organizes people and resources to achieve set goals effectively and efficiently
  • Level 2: contributing team leader, contributes to the achievement of group goals, works effectively with others
  • Level 1: competent individual, making productive contributions through talent, knowledge, skills and good work habits

2. Confront the Brutal Fact, Keep the Faith

From the start, becoming a great company is not easy and this is a fact. In the his principle Collins reiterates that companies that want to go from good to great need to face their biggest challenges.

Maintain an unshakable faith that you and your team will win and succeed no matter what the difficulties are. But at the same time be ready for whatever happens later whether the results match or not with what has been planned.

This brutal fact is what makes this concept sound easy but very challenging for companies whether small or large scale.

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3. Culture of Discipline

This may not be something new or even classic. Collins says that companies that want to achieve good to great make discipline their culture.

Your company must cultivate discipline including in terms of thinking as well as action. In this principle, the workforce not only works but they have responsibilities.

A culture of discipline leads to positive outcomes ranging from a commitment to continuous growth, self-improvement, and better contribution.

Jim Collins also said that a culture of discipline is the cornerstone of enduring greatness.

Alright, that’s all we can say about general perspective of “Good to Great”, these three topics is quite interesting for presentation topics. In case you want to know more about this principle, we recommend you to buy good to great book by Jim Collins for detailed explaination.

Also don’t forget to get your free template about good to great from professional HR management.

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