As the Human Resource on the training staff then you should know about the responsibility. When you want to conduct the training then you should know about the process first. Training is not as that simple. Training is the important aspect as the employee right to develop their knowledge and also their skill. You can compare between the employee that get a chance to join the training and the employee who have not. Before we talk more about the training steps then you should know about the training definition first.
Training is a kind of activity that followed by the employee on the company. In the training session, the employee will get some material whether it is soft skill or hard skill like their job description. Training is usually using the good speaker that suitable with the training material like leadership training or knows your customer training. The speaker is important because the speaker will be the one and only who deliver the material to the audience. When you choose the wrong speaker then the information for the training material will be worst. Training staff will be the one who so busy prepare about this thing.
Here are the training steps that HR should know when they want to conduct training for the employee.
Training Orientation
In this part, the employee will get some benefits. They will know about the information for the training purpose like the material, theme and also the time. They will also know about the organization structure and also the operational system. Company policy, rules, vision and mission and company culture will be explained too. The training audience will also about the system that used by the company. Know about the company facilities for the employee, company rules and the employee safety.
- Training process
This is the main of the training steps. The training staff should prepare about the need analysis for the employee, make the training instruction that complete with time and also place, validation, training program implementation and also the training evaluation. The staff should make the training situation become the comfort one to the employee. You also need to prepare about the training facilities like the place, food, speaker, material and others.
- On The Job Training
On this part, the employee will have their experiences. You can ask the marketing to sell about the company product to the customer or others that related to their real job. On the job training may take a time but it is important process to the employee to have real imagination about their job later. They will find a difficult and also the easy experiences on it. For the On the Job training it usually give to the new employee on the company.
Prepare about training is all interesting activity. The more you conduct the training then it will give you more experiences. Your capacity will be also increasing better day to day. To conduct the training, the HR can ask the employee to have in house training or bring them to the other new place.
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