HR Management Powerpoint Presentation Slides Contents

One of the main functions of the HR department is to recruit. This is a process in which the job vacancy is determined and the potential employees will be notified. The recruitment process under HR Management PowerPoint Presentation is going to be regulated and subjected to the employment law.

The core forms of the recruitment process are done through advertising in magazines, newspapers, internal vacancy lists, and trade papers.

Under the recruitment process is job description which is an outline of all the roles of a job holder. Next is the person specification, a detailed outline of all the skills and qualities required by the post holder.

All of the applicants can prove if they are suitable for the job through the help of their application form, curriculum vitae, or an application letter.

Another function of the HR Management PowerPoint Presentation is to select the potential employee. They are going to have a short listing, perform an interview with the applicant, and conduct some aptitude and psychometric testing. Continue reading “HR Management Powerpoint Presentation Slides Contents”

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