The Future of Leveraging Automation and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in HR

The advanced machine learning technology continues to grow due to its cost savings and increased revenue factors. This type of technology has entered the world of HR. A CareerBuilder survey reveals 55% of managers assume automation and artificial intelligence (AI) in HR will be put to good use. So, this emerging technological system will certainly reduce HR tasks since almost everything is done automatically.

Therefore, what is the use of automation and AI in the HR division? What are some of the challenges?

automation and artificial intelligence (AI) in HR

Automation and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in HR— A Brief Overview

In the current digital transformation, automation is not only involved in the processes of executing tasks manually. However, it can also be combined with artificial intelligence (AI) to increase productivity and make better decisions. Thus, using as little human intervention as possible, especially in the human resources (HR) division. These processes consist of tools that automate HR manual tasks, including recruitment, onboarding, analytics, and performance management.

Some of the main goals of automation and artificial intelligence (AI) in HR include:

  • Reduce repetitive work tasks.
  • Eliminate manual human errors.
  • Allow employees to access HR services 24/7.
  • Provide a clear overview of all the processes involved, including individual responsibilities, thereby improving communication and teamwork.
  • Enable improvement for complex processes.

The Use of Automation and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in HR

Generally, HR is mainly about increasing productivity, improving the HR processes that may be time-consuming, and increasing efficiency. Many HR managers are still trapped in the manual processes for a number of tasks. This can hamper the movement of the company’s workforce. Since, it is expected to be more agile in responding to fast-paced changes in today’s digital era. Therefore, these are 4 uses of automation and artificial intelligence (AI) in HR:

Optimizing the recruitment process

Oftentimes, conventional recruitment methods were no longer effective for HR professionals to apply. With automation and AI technology can be used to reduce the time and cost required in the employee selection process. Here, HR professionals can conduct an initial screening on applicants’ resumes. Also, assess the skills of their prospective employees through virtual interviews or online tests. Therefore, not only helps HR professionals to automate the recruitment process, it also provides applicants with real-time application status.

Employee Onboarding process

The next step after recruitment is to carry out the onboarding process of new employees. An automated and AI-integrated onboarding process makes it easy for new hires to access any information they need to know. This includes information about the company’s policies, team and divisions, and tasks. It’s important for new employees to integrate with the organization and interact with co-workers to increase productivity. Therefore, it allows HR professionals to adapt to the socialization process. Thus, having a more tangible impact on the employee side.

Learning and performance management

The automated and AI systems can analyze data on the employee’s performance. At the same time, to provide recommendations on appropriate training and development to improve their skills and productivity. Here, HR professionals are assisted in designing a learning and training style with conversational interfaces and analytics for e-learning.

HR analytics

With the development of technology, data analysis is also transitioning into descriptive, prescriptive, and predictive analysis. To perform all of these 3 HR analytics, HR professionals often rely on automation and AI capabilities. It will quickly collect and analyze data from multiple sources. This technology can make better and faster decisions with access to HR analytics. ‍Companies that do not rely on HR analytics in making decisions have the risks that can affect the company. For instance, employee turnover rates and poor employee productivity.

automation and artificial intelligence (AI) in HR

5 Main Challenges of Automation and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in HR

The main difficulty in HR tasks is to balance technological advances with the needs of their employees. Although the transformation of automation and artificial intelligence (AI) in HR brings many benefits, there are challenges that may arise. From data privacy to cost considerations, these are the 5 HR challenges you need to be aware of:

Investing in AI

For the companies wishing to allocate budgets for automation, AI investments are often expensive up front. However, there are a number of subscription-based solutions that companies can try. Many apps offer free trials to test out before fully committing to a more expensive software solution.

Integrate AI into existing internal infrastructure

This challenge involves an automation expert who can provide the best integration assistance. Since, it’s essential to understand today’s advanced digital ecosystem and how new tools can integrate with it. Meanwhile, companies must be prepared to drop their old infrastructure systems. Frankly, old technological infrastructure is most vulnerable to cybercrimes.

Security and privacy issues

Most HR professionals identify cybersecurity as the main barrier to their automation. For HR systems, data breaches are disastrous. These files contain private employee information, including their home addresses and evaluations. Cybersecurity should be one of the main points of any automation system, including end-to-end encryption and authentication. Therefore, employees require special training to responsibly navigate AI systems.

Compliance issues

Nothing scares an HR professional more than a compliance issue. Either a tax filing error or an underpayment, for example. What’s scarier is the different labor regulations, policies, and scattered resource information. Oftentimes, these websites are not updated.

Data collection and reporting tools

Since different types of technology evolve at different levels, HR systems might need separate dashboards for specific needs. This problem makes it difficult for companies to collect data effectively and create accurate reports. However, it is important to regularly evaluate existing tools that can handle specific tasks.

Final Thoughts

Is automation and artificial intelligence (AI) in HR the answer to future employee management? The answer is yes, only if it’s done right. It takes a lot of careful planning and investment to undertake an HR automation and AI program.

However, it will never replace the actual professional HR duties. AI excels at tasks that rely on processing data more quickly and efficiently than manual methods by humans. But, not with the “human” aspect of HR that cannot be performed by AI. Specifically, working closely and ensuring employees receive support to thrive.

Unlock the Benefits of HR Tools and Templates

HR tools and templates can help streamline the many processes involved in managing human resources. These tools can automate tedious tasks, such as creating employee profiles, tracking employee attendance, calculating wages, and creating employee training programs. Some tools can help with recruitment and onboarding, even tracking employee performance reviews.

HR tools and templates

What are HR tools and templates?

HR Tools cover a wide array of managerial software that HR needs to have in its system. This software varied from simple management from recruiting to onboarding to a more detailed one that covers wages, training programs, attendance, and even employee progress in the company.

Some companies may have their preferred methods of managing their employees. But utilizing this software can be a tremendous help in their system.

Benefits of Utilizing The Tools

Utilizing the tools provide numerous benefits for the company, HR, and even the employees. It opens the chance for them to have an open conversation on how to improve themselves and grow with the company. Here are a few benefits that the correct tools can give.

·       Efficiency

Research by Sierra-Cedar showed that almost 80% of the companies that utilize an HR template see an improvement in their efficiency. They are more capable to handle issues and could prevent similar issues to happen later. These companies also have overall better productivity.

·       Improving Employees’ Morale and Personal Growth

The latest Gallup poll shows that only 36% of employees feel satisfied with their workplace. While the reason may vary, it is a dishearting fact for any HR in the world. Even so, the poll highlights that most of the dissatisfaction that leads to resigning is from the managerial level. However, the research by Sierra-Cedar shows that a company with the correct utilization of talent management tools can longer retain its employees. Their improvements reached more than 50% annually. These two research clearly show the importance of having the correct HR tools for managing employees.

·       Reducing Errors

The correct tools can prevent the employee from repeating the same error. And this ranges from general administrative or filing errors to payroll issues.

As the company grew, they often opt to have automated payroll. And with the help of the right tools, HR can update the finance with the correct information about the employees. This includes any attendance bonuses or some other penalties.

·       Easier Monitoring

The correct tool means that HR will have an easier time monitoring the employees. It can measure the employee’s attendance or performance.

Also, a good tool to retain transparency between the employees and the company. Therefore, they also can file a complaint or voice an opinion when the company doesn’t comply with the regulation. It can be a good two-way discussion that will improve the company culture.

·       Cost Saving

It’s undeniable that utilizing the correct HR tools will save the company a lot of money. On top of saving costs by minimizing the errors on payrolls and taxation, the company also can save the cost from severance pay.

The HR software can improve the employee’s productivity and personal growth and turn them into one of the best assets for the company. The tool also can save the company from any fraud that may happen and reduce the need for overtime.

What to Look for in an HR Tool

You can build an HR tool from scratch or get a new one. But you should know what are the features you want from the tools. Here are several things you need to consider when looking for an HR tool to implement.

·       User Friendly

How user-friendly is the tool? Some tools can be very outdated and you need to update them often. Some other tools may also be very complicated and take time to learn. You need to find a tool that the HR will have an easier time adapting and implementing the templates. They won’t have any issues when there is any update and can train new employees.

·       Complete Features

Most HR tools offer the same thing. But some software aims to go further and provide more features to help you. However, you need to consider the company size and how the HR will work to match it.

·       Pricing Plan

To some companies, this is the most critical thing in software. But first, you need to differentiate between a one-off payment software with a subscription. Mostly, a one-off software doesn’t include maintenance or upgrading fees, compared to a subscription. Therefore, you need to know which plan gives the best features at the right place for the company.

·       Security

The software’s security is crucial since it holds the employees’ data. You need to ensure that it won’t leak to a third party. One of the worst things that can happen, aside from the leak, is the data tampering. This will affect everyone in the company. Therefore, you should do proper research on the recent cases regarding the software and check how often they update their system.

In the end, implementing the correct HR tools and templates will show the result immediately. Sometimes, within the first few months after the implementation, HR can start having the correct employee metrics. And since they no longer have to do menial administrative work, they can work to build the employees’ growth.

Ultimate HR Tools to Drive People Performance

shutterstock_118475239We proudly present ULTIMATE HR TOOLS for HR MANAGERS. In total, there are 14 exceptional HR tools that you can immediately use to enhance your HR performance.

1. A Complete Catalog of KPIs for All HR Functions.
2. A Set of Competency-based Interview Questions.
3. HR Audit Questionnaire.
4. Employee Satisfaction Survey Questionnaire.
5. Competency Development Template and Guidebook.

6. Powerful Template – Table of KPIs for HR Managers.
7. Tool to Evaluate HR Effectiveness.
8. Employee Development Plan Guidebook.
9. Sample of HR Strategic Plan and Program.
10. Tools and Templates for Implementing a Career Management System.

11. Tools and Templates for Implementing a Talent Management System.
12. HR Strategy Map Tools and Templates.
13. Tools and Templates for Measuring ROI of Training.
14. Tools and Templates for Conducting Workload Analysis.

You can DOWNLOAD all of these powerful HR Tools HERE

1. Key Performance Indicators for HR

This catalog provides an extensive list of key performance indicators (KPI) for HR function. You can immediately utilize this valuable tool as part of your performance management process.

The file displays a complete list of key performance indicators for all HR functions – from recruitment, career management to people development.

2. Competency-based Interview Questions

Competency-based interview technique is one of useful tools to screen potential high performing candidates. This downloadable file contains sample of competency-based interview questions. It describes competency definition, behavior indicators of competency, and a series of competency-based questions.

When you download the file, you will find :
1. Definition for many types of competencies
2. Behavior Indicators for competencies
3. List of Competency-based Questions for many types of competency.

3. HR Audit Questionnaire

This downloadable file contains explorative and insightful questions need to be delivered when you would like to conduct HR Audit. This tool will surely help you enhance the performance of your HR team.

When you download, you will find elaborative questions to fully capture the performance of HR in all HR functions: recruitment, selection, training & development, performance management, labor relations, career management, and organization development.

The first section investigates the alignment between HR and business strategy. In this domain, you will find questions like these:

1. What was total revenue for the business unit for the most recently completed fiscal year?
2. What is the company business strategy?

3. Does the company business strategy link to Human Resources (HR)? Please describe.
4. What is your company’s HR Strategy? Is the HR strategy aligned with the company’s strategy?

5. Who develop the HR Strategy? Do you assemble a cross-functional team to develop the HR strategy?
6. What does HR do in supporting the implementation of organization’s strategy?

7. Determine how the human resources department will support strategic goal and impact organization performance?

8. Do you perform a gap analysis of current versus desired organizational behavior and performance, and develop strategy to close the gap?

You can DOWNLOAD all of these powerful HR Tools HERE

4. Employee Satisfaction Survey

This downloadable file contains question items that can be used in Employee Satisfaction Survey. The questions explore five key dimensions: company, job, manager (superior), workgroup, career opportunity, and employee benefit. This survey can be deployed on a regular basis (via annual survey for example) and will be very instrumental in portraying true dynamics of employee satisfaction level.

When you download this file, you will find a complete set of questions that explore five key dimensions as mentioned above.

5. Competency Development Guidebook

This guidebook provides a comprehensive guideline to develop competency catalog. After describing a clear understanding about competency concept, this guidebook explores detailed activities need to be done to create and develop competency catalog.

When you download, you will find five files.

File 1 – Competency Development Guidebook. Provides a comprehensive guideline to develop competency catalog.
File 2 – Competency Workshop. Describes steps need to be done to determine the objectives and scope of competency project

File 3 – Core Competency Workshop. Describes steps need to be done to identify and develop core competencies.
File 4 – FGD Guide. Describes steps need to be done to conduct focused group discussion (FGD). FGD technique is used to identify job relevant competencies for a particular position/job/job family.

File 5 – Behavior Event Interview. Describes steps need to be done to conduct behavior event interview (BEI). This technique is used to identify critical behaviors of competency. These identified behaviors will be used as a basis for developing competency catalog.

File 6 – Taxonomy. Describes example of behavioral terms for stating specific learning outcomes.

File 7 – An excellent example of Competency Model and Competency Matrix.

You can DOWNLOAD all of these powerful HR Tools HERE

6. Template – KPI Table for HR Manager

This excellent template displays Table of KPI for HR Manager. After explaining key result areas and KPIs for HR Manager, this template also describes the formula to calculate KPI score. This template can immediately be used as “Performance Contract Agreement” for HR Manager.

When you download this tool, you canfind a Template Table that consists of 7 columns : column for key result areas, key performance indicators, weight of KPIs, target, actual results, Score and Final Score of KPI.

7. Tool to Evaluate HR Effectiveness

This downloadable file contains a series of coherent questions to be used in HR Service Users Survey. This survey is designed to explore the effectiveness of HR function and service delivery in the eyes of its customers (employees).

When you download, you will find questionnaire that explores the effectiveness of HR service delivery in all HR functions: recruitment, selection, training & development, performance management, labor relations, career management, and organization development.

For example, in Selection & Hiring of Candidates, the question explores all activities associated with identifying candidate pools, screening of candidates, interviewing, educating hiring managers, notifying applicants, determining compensation, and orienting new hires.

In Performance Management System, questions encompass services around developing performance management systems including competency modeling, developing performance targets, coaching, and the corresponding administration of the programs.

8. Employee Development Plan Guidebook

This guidebook provides an extensive list of development activities to enhance your competency level. Thus, this guidebook will be very useful if you have an intention to write an Individual Development Plan to sharpen your future performance.

When you download the file, you will find a series of development activities need to be undertaken to enhance your competency level. Extensively this guidebook describes definitions, behavior indicators and development activities for many types of competencies. Some competencies that are explored are:

1. Relationship Orientation
2. Continuous Learning
3. Tolerance for Stress, Ambiguity and Change
4. Strategic Business Perspective
5. Communication and Influence
6. Planning and Organizing
7. Team Building
8. Visioning and Alignment

9. Sample of HR Strategic Plan and Program

This template presents a comprehensive HR program in real terms, the expected results from each program, as well as a timeline for its implementation. The strategic HR program sample covers all major HR functions, from recruitment, training and development, performance management, to HRIS aspects.

This powerful HR Program template is really applicable, and can be used immediately as a reference for the HR Department in compiling its strategic plan and programs.

10. Tools and Templates for Implementing a Career Management System.

This tool contains templates and step-by-step guides for developing career systems in your company. This tool comes with ready-to-use forms and templates, so it can be instantly implemented and can be used to construct a better career system.

11. Tools and Templates for Implementing a Talent Management System.

This tool contains real-world examples of talent management system policy guidelines. This tool also includes forms and templates for creating a Talent Management System, as well as detailed instructions for completing it.

12. HR Strategy Map Tools and Templates.

This tool contains forms and templates for developing an HR Strategy Map. You will be provided a guideline for filling it out as well as an example of a completed HR Strategy Map form to use as a reference.

13. Tools and Templates for Measuring ROI of Training.

This tool includes templates and forms for measuring the effectiveness of training as well as the Return on Investment of Training (ROI of training). Each template/form comes with a step-by-step guideline for filling it out, as well as examples of completed forms.

14. Tools and Templates for Conducting Workload Analysis

This tool contains guidelines, forms, and templates for conducting workload analysis. Real-world examples of workload analysis results for various departments/sections are also included in this powerful tool, along with information on how to determine the optimal number of employees in various departments within the company.

You can DOWNLOAD all of these powerful HR Tools HERE

Powerful HR Tools for HR Managers

We proudly present ULTIMATE HR TOOLS for HR MANAGERS. In total, there are NINE exceptional HR tools that you can immediately use to enhance your HR performance.

1. A Complete Catalog of KPIs for All HR Functions.
2. A Set of Competency-based Interview Questions.
3. HR Audit Questionnaire.
4. Employee Satisfaction Survey Questionnaire.
5. Competency Development Template and Guidebook.
6. Powerful Template – Table of KPIs for HR Managers.
7. Tool to Evaluate HR Effectiveness.
8. Employee Development Plan Guidebook.
9. Sample of HR Plan and Program

You can DOWNLOAD all of these powerful HR Tools HERE

1. Key Performance Indicators for HR

This catalog provides an extensive list of key performance indicators (KPI) for HR function. You can immediately utilize this valuable tool as part of your performance management process.

The file displays a complete list of key performance indicators for all HR functions – from recruitment, career management to people development.

2. Competency-based Interview Questions

Competency-based interview technique is one of useful tools to screen potential high performing candidates. This downloadable file contains sample of competency-based interview questions. It describes competency definition, behavior indicators of competency, and a series of competency-based questions.

When you download the file, you will find :
1. Definition for many types of competencies
2. Behavior Indicators for competencies
3. List of Competency-based Questions for many types of competency.

3. HR Audit Questionnaire

This downloadable file contains explorative and insightful questions need to be delivered when you would like to conduct HR Audit. This tool will surely help you enhance the performance of your HR team.

When you download, you will find elaborative questions to fully capture the performance of HR in all HR functions: recruitment, selection, training & development, performance management, labor relations, career management, and organization development.

The first section investigates the alignment between HR and business strategy. In this domain, you will find questions like these:

1. What was total revenue for the business unit for the most recently completed fiscal year?
2. What is the company business strategy?

3. Does the company business strategy link to Human Resources (HR)? Please describe.
4. What is your company’s HR Strategy? Is the HR strategy aligned with the company’s strategy?

5. Who develop the HR Strategy? Do you assemble a cross-functional team to develop the HR strategy?
6. What does HR do in supporting the implementation of organization’s strategy?

7. Determine how the human resources department will support strategic goal and impact organization performance?
8. Do you perform a gap analysis of current versus desired organizational behavior and performance, and develop strategy to close the gap?

4. Employee Satisfaction Survey

This downloadable file contains question items that can be used in Employee Satisfaction Survey. The questions explore five key dimensions: company, job, manager (superior), workgroup, career opportunity, and employee benefit. This survey can be deployed on a regular basis (via annual survey for example) and will be very instrumental in portraying true dynamics of employee satisfaction level.

When you download this file, you will find a complete set of questions that explore five key dimensions as mentioned above.

You can DOWNLOAD all of these powerful HR Tools HERE

5. Competency Development Guidebook

This guidebook provides a comprehensive guideline to develop competency catalog. After describing a clear understanding about competency concept, this guidebook explores detailed activities need to be done to create and develop competency catalog.

When you download, you will find five files.

File 1 – Competency Development Guidebook. Provides a comprehensive guideline to develop competency catalog.
File 2 – Competency Workshop. Describes steps need to be done to determine the objectives and scope of competency project

File 3 – Core Competency Workshop. Describes steps need to be done to identify and develop core competencies.
File 4 – FGD Guide. Describes steps need to be done to conduct focused group discussion (FGD). FGD technique is used to identify job relevant competencies for a particular position/job/job family.

File 5 – Behavior Event Interview. Describes steps need to be done to conduct behavior event interview (BEI). This technique is used to identify critical behaviors of competency. These identified behaviors will be used as a basis for developing competency catalog.

File 6 – Taxonomy. Describes example of behavioral terms for stating specific learning outcomes.
File 7 – An excellent example of Competency Model and Competency Matrix.

You can DOWNLOAD all of these powerful HR Tools HERE

6. Template – KPI Table for HR Manager

This excellent template displays Table of KPI for HR Manager. After explaining key result areas and KPIs for HR Manager, this template also describes the formula to calculate KPI score. This template can immediately be used as “Performance Contract Agreement” for HR Manager.

When you download this tool, you canfind a Template Table that consists of 7 columns : column for key result areas, key performance indicators, weight of KPIs, target, actual results, Score and Final Score of KPI.

7. Tool to Evaluate HR Effectiveness

This downloadable file contains a series of coherent questions to be used in HR Service Users Survey. This survey is designed to explore the effectiveness of HR function and service delivery in the eyes of its customers (employees).

When you download, you will find questionnaire that explores the effectiveness of HR service delivery in all HR functions: recruitment, selection, training & development, performance management, labor relations, career management, and organization development.

For example, in Selection & Hiring of Candidates, the question explores all activities associated with identifying candidate pools, screening of candidates, interviewing, educating hiring managers, notifying applicants, determining compensation, and orienting new hires.

In Performance Management System, questions encompass services around developing performance management systems including competency modeling, developing performance targets, coaching, and the corresponding administration of the programs.

8. Employee Development Plan Guidebook

This guidebook provides an extensive list of development activities to enhance your competency level. Thus, this guidebook will be very useful if you have an intention to write an Individual Development Plan to sharpen your future performance.

When you download the file, you will find a series of development activities need to be undertaken to enhance your competency level. Extensively this guidebook describes definitions, behavior indicators and development activities for many types of competencies. Some competencies that are explored are:

1. Relationship Orientation
2. Continuous Learning
3. Tolerance for Stress, Ambiguity and Change
4. Strategic Business Perspective
5. Communication and Influence
6. Planning and Organizing
7. Team Building
8. Visioning and Alignment

9. Sample of HR Strategic Plan and Program

This template presents a comprehensive HR program in real terms, the expected results from each program, as well as a timeline for its implementation. The strategic HR program sample covers all major HR functions, from recruitment, training and development, performance management, to HRIS aspects.

This powerful HR Program template is really applicable, and can be used immediately as a reference for the HR Department in compiling its strategic plan and programs.

You can DOWNLOAD all of these powerful HR Tools HERE

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