Emotional Intelligence in HR at Workspace and Its Framework

IQ alone is not enough, to be a productive and professional workforce you need good EQ skills. EQ, or Emotional Intelligence, is an individual’s ability to use and understand the emotions of oneself and others.

This is one of the indicators that can affect a person’s success. This argument is proven through the response of Steven Stein and Howard who wrote the book EQ Edge: Emotional Intelligence and Your Success.

On this occasion, we would like to explain a little about what you need to know about emotional intelligence from the point of view of the book’s authors. This material can be a presentation or discussion material developed to increase employee understanding of the importance of EQ, let’s see the full explanation below.

Emotional Intelligence Framework According to Steven Stein

In general, Steven Stein calls emotional intelligence divided into 5 points, namely the interpersonal realm, intrapersonal realm, adaptability realm, and stress management realm, and general mood realm.

emotional intelligence in HR

(We might not able to cover all these topics, but don’t worry there is a solution for that so keep reading and you’ll know). What is meant by these terms? Here is an explanation.

1. The Intrapersonal Realm

In a simple terms, the intrapersonal realm concerns your ability to know and manage yourself. At least it embraces self awareness, assertiveness,independence, self-regard, and self actualization.

  • Self awareness: The ability to recognize how you’re feeling and why you’re feeling that way and the impact your behavior has on others
  • Assertiveness: Its simply a capability to clearly express your thoughts and feeling, stand your ground and defend a position
  • Independence: The ability to self-directed and self-controlled in your thinking and action and to be free of emotional dependency. Independent people are self-reliant in planning and making important decisions
  • Self regard: It is an ability to appreciate your precieved positive aspects and posibilities as well as to accept your negativity but still feel good about yourself.
  • Self actualization: Namely its another capability to realize your potential capacity. This component of EQ is manifested by becoming involved in pursuits that lead to a meaningful, rich, and full life

Well, five of them is indeed important make sure to undertand well and learn to master them. But that just intrapersonal aspect, the next is interpersonal one.

2. The Interpersonal Realm

Interpersonal realm covering your concerns on “People skills” you ability to interact and get along with others. Sound challenging? Yes it is. Interpersonal realm composed of three things which is emphaty, social responsibility, and interpersonal relationship.

  • Emphaty: It means ability to understand what others might be feeling and thinking. It is the capability to view the world through another person eyes
  • Social responsibility: To put it simply, its a capability to demonstrate that you are cooperative, contributing and constructive member of your social group
  • Interpersonal relationship: Ability to create and maintain relationship that are mutually benefical and marked by give and take, providing sense of emotional closeness

Some people might thinking intrapersonal realm is easier, while its possible for others not agreeing it. Rather interpersonal might be the most annoying one.

But that’s fine, enhancing EQ isn’t something that you can do it fast it takes time and the process may vary depending on each of people.

Read more:HR Strategy Presentation Template Slides, Your Comprehensive Guide

3. The Adaptability Realm

Adaptability realm is one of the five core components of emotional intelligence as defined by Steven Stein and Howard Book in their book, “The EQ Edge: Emotional Intelligence and Your Success.”

This realm represents a person’s ability to navigate change, adapt to new situations, and remain flexible in the face of challenges.

  • Reality Testing: The ability to accurately assess situations and make realistic judgments.
  • Flexibility: The willingness to change one’s perspective or approach when necessary.
  • Problem-Solving: The capacity to identify and address issues effectively.

And that’s it, we already explain three out of five components realm based on perspective of Steven Stein.

Want to learn more of it? Download our free materials and template about management HR including full explanation Emotional Intelligence. Get it today for free or download our the paid version for better experience.

The Expanding Role of the CHRO as Key to Future Changes of HR Management

Today’s HR management is in line with current technological developments. Therefore, the expanding role of the CHRO (Chief Human Resources Officer) is also changing. To be a successful CHRO, they must have the spirit of a true supervisor.

In addition, the business and the company’s organizational performance must be in line with HR processes as of today. This requires someone with broad skills of competency, experience, and education. With the various responsibilities of this complex C-level position, it is expected that CHRO will have adequate quality human resources.

Various Responsibilities of CHRO

The expanding role of the CHRO is responsible for all HR processes in a company. They include recruitment, performance evaluation, and reporting to their CEO regarding human resources issues. Therefore, the CHRO position is a senior executive position in a company responsible for human resources strategies and management.

A CHRO must have a deep understanding of HR management principles, employment policies, organizational changes, as well as current trends and issues in the world of HR. Furthermore, here are various responsibilities of a CHRO in general:

  • Performing employee benefits administration and managing labor relations activities such as collective bargaining.
  • Manage effective talent acquisition strategies to source the best candidates for available positions across the company.
  • Act as an intermediary between staff and management to resolve conflicts that arise in the work environment.
  • Monitor company policies and HR division functions to ensure compliance with government regulations and public policies.
  • Ensuring research and strategic planning complies with employment laws and keeps up with the latest developments.
  • Forming a superior team by providing training and development opportunities, so that employees can develop professionally.

5 Key CHRO Skills for the Future of HR Management

In every growing business, C-level experts are needed to manage and direct the directorate. This aims to align with the business strategy carried out specifically by the CHRO. The CHRO position typically reports directly to the CEO or board of directors, and is part of the company’s executive team.

CHRO involvement in strategic decision making proves the importance of their role in managing the company’s most important assets, namely HR. Several main skills that a CHRO must have to face the future of HR management:

Assess and Predict

A CHRO is required to have the ability to assess and predict whether their character fits the company’s culture. In addition, a CHRO needs to have the ability to assess talent, collaboration, and evaluation of future talents when they join the company. These skills can be learned and trained.

Mutual Business Meetings

In general, the company’s directorates have regular meeting schedules to see progress in achieving targets. Ideally, the CEO, CHRO, and other C-level directorates sit together to discuss the company’s operational performance. Here, the CHRO will learn about the company’s business objectives and get information from other directorates.

Connecting Numbers and People

CHRO experts are often called the people’s side in business objectives. They are the person who makes the budgeting and provides a perspective from his or her own expertise. In other words, CHRO exists to connect business and people by predicting the growth expected from the business plan. 

Mastering External Qualifications

In most cases, CHRO position requires mastering in marketing, operations, finance, and also technology. They have to know what trends are happening out in the real world.

In Line with CEO Goals, Priorities, and Concerns

CHRO must keep everything simple and always in line with the goals and priorities of the CEO and the company. Thus, CHRO needs to listen to the CEO’s concerns. This role also allows CHRO to carry out a transformation. This transformation is not only considered as a support function, but also becoming a business contributor.

CHRO Career Paths

To become a CHRO, HR professionals often go through positions where they gain experience recruiting, managing, assessing, and training individuals. This is the most common CHRO career paths taken by HR professionals:

HR Staff—  A career as an HR Staff or in a similar position, assists in implementing basic HR processes. This can be in the form of onboarding new employees, responding to employee inquiries, and managing documents.

HR Specialist— This position requires expertise in specific tasks within the HR management field, mainly benefits management and talent recruitment. These positions often require a bachelor’s degree.

HR Manager— This career path is tasked with overseeing HR policies, procedures and compliance within the organization.

HR Director— This type of position has similar responsibilities to an HR manager, but tends to supervise a larger team. Sometimes, this position requires a master’s degree.

Final Thoughts

Holding the position of CHRO requires years of dedication, patience, and perseverance. Although many will face various obstacles in their journey, they will all be worth it. Once they get to understand the expanding role of the CHRO, they will become influential and confident HR management leaders.

Meanwhile, a CHRO usually starts their career path as a staff recruiter or HR specialist. Then, they continue to climb the career ladder until they reach the top position. However, this path is changing rapidly. Many CHROs are now hired bringing their own leadership and business experience. For example, the CHRO role holds general management, sales and marketing, and finance positions.

As time and business demands progress, HR transforms its function into a business contributor with various complex skills. CHRO is a value creator connecting numbers and people who becomes a leader and can make a significant contribution to business achievements.

Tips for Recruiting, Hiring, and Attracting Gen Z Employees

Every era has different lifestyle habits and influences mental work. You can ask the manager if there are many different working characters between the ancients and Gen Z. Nowadays, this knowledge should be understood not only by managers but also by HRD. The division needs to learn about attracting Gen Z employees so that the hiring and recruiting processes go smoothly. Anyway, good employees will help the development of the company.

attracting Gen Z employees
  1. Offer Flexibility

You know, at big companies like Google, the company offers employees flexibility under high pressure. The employees work on their tasks with full responsibility. Even though looking for employees who fulfill these aspects is not easy, HRD should know how to choose employees who are capable and aware of their responsibilities. But flexibility is what Gen Z is looking for the most. The employees can choose to work anywhere and anytime as long as they follow the company’s regulations. Based on Gartner Inc. research, Gen Z prefers to work from anywhere they want, such as home, their bedroom, or a cafe. To provide this kind of flexibility, the company should provide the proper facilities.

  1. Teamwork Like Good Family

Everyone has a dream to work for a company that plays a role similar to that of a family. Of course, with the note that every employee still needs to exert their best ability to complete the project, If there is some hindrance to finishing the project, the employees will try together to finish the matter. One employee and another should not blame each other every time there is a problem. Anyone who notices an error immediately seeks to correct project-related errors. They do not need to search for the person causing the error. Then the team leader will also try to help his team members develop their abilities together. Leaders should know how to strengthen the bond between team members because Gen Z likes this condition for working.

  1. Tolerance of Diversity

Working remotely allows the company to hire and recruit people from many countries. Every country has a different culture that influences the character of the nation. HRD should analyze hiring people who have a high tolerance for diversity. Gen Z also really wants an office that keeps peace due to employees high tolerance for one another. A peaceful office can make employees focus on being able to complete tasks. HRD should learn about the background of the candidates to be recruited to avoid bullying in the office.

  1. Offer Job Rotation

You want to know another step for attracting Gen Z employees. We will suggest that you offer job rotation during a specific period of time. An example of job rotation is giving the accountant a different task. The first year you can offer to do corporate accounting, and the next year you can offer to do advertising accounting. The different tasks can stimulate the employee’s brain so that they are not bored with their working life. A monotonous task that lasts for years can make employees less enthusiastic about working. The new task requires employees to analyze the problem and the possible path to solving it.

  1. Maintain Life Balance

Every company that doesn’t understand life balance has a tendency to push the workers without giving them enough rest. Even forcing workers to continuously work overtime. Anyway, people are supposed to maintain life balance to keep their bodies healthy and minds fresh. Thoughts that have reached a saturation point cannot bring good results to the project. It is right to give a vacation once a year to all employees. Don’t contact the workers on weekends so that they can enjoy their me time. Me time can help employees have a healthy mentality so they can return to work properly. The company can give rewards to employees who have good achievements, such as vacation tickets.

  1. Growing Together

Everybody has the potential to grow their abilities in their field of work. The development of their skills is good for the development of the company too. The company should provide seminars or courses to help employees learn new skills. Motivate the employees to update their knowledge too so that the company can survive against its competitors. The development of knowledge and skills can increase productivity too. The workers can get online courses so that they can get training at home. Based on LinkedIn, 86% of people tend to learn from online courses. The material in the course addresses the needs of the company. It would be better to get courses from professional tutors.

  1. Social Awareness Skills

Whenever we talk about attracting Gen Z employees, we should mention social awareness. Social awareness is the way people understand emotions or feelings so that they can properly interact with other people. Gen Z has an awareness of social skills such as service orientation and organizational awareness. If there is an office that offers social awareness, Gen Z prefers to choose it. The company is aware of environmental issues so that it can maintain a conducive office. Social comfort in the office or at work will make Gen Z interested in joining the company.

  1. Make Light Qualification Requirements

What are you thinking when you read about reducing the qualification requirements? Anyway, it does not mean that you should lower the standard abilities that candidates must have. You can lighten up unnecessary restrictions, such as the candidate’s origin and age. As long as the candidates have good abilities, according to recruitment, you can hire them. You should prioritize recruiting employees who have great responsibility for the project. Those kinds of employees have a tendency to adapt at will. They can grow their abilities too, so that it helps companies develop more easily.

You already understand how to attract Gen Z employees whenever you open the recruitment process. You should prioritize all the steps above because the majority of Gen Z want this in their work environment. Remember, the company should also provide the facility so that tasks can still be completed. In fact, most surviving startups use this concept whenever they want to recruit Gen Z employees.

Remote Work and Flexible Work Arrangements: A Guide to Setting Up a Home Office to Maintain Productivity

remote work and flexible work arrangementsThe rise of remote work and flexible work arrangements, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, has brought new challenges and opportunities for HR professionals, including managing virtual teams, employee engagement, and work-life balance.

The employee has the advantage of not having to go through traffic jams and having more time with their family. Also, In many cases, employers also prefer to hire remote workers to reduce their expenses, which can cover some allowances such as transportation and meal costs.

Creating a great workspace is the best way to always feel enthusiastic while doing remote work. This will provide a lot of enjoyment in working whether it’s because you finally have your own privacy to get work done or it can be your best place at home.

Paying attention to your taste and what you want to create in your home office will be very beneficial. However, some tips on how to set up a home office include choosing a quiet and comfortable part of your home, and investing in the necessary tools and equipment to help you be in line.

Create a Designated Work Space

The first and essential part is to create a space for you to work. You can choose an empty room to work in or just a desk somewhere in your home or bedroom that you like. As long as it is a comfortable place and not easy to get distracted.

Make sure your desk is separate from personal items If you only use a single desk, it is very important to separate it from other belongings. Just put aside things that have nothing to do with your work to help you stay focused. Buy, you still can place it on a shelf in the corner of the room.

Use Adequate Lighting

Dim light can affect the atmosphere while working, dim light can also lead you to be sleepy during work hours. You must provide sufficient lighting for your home office, if necessary you can add a table lamp if the room is in a corner of the house that has minimal light.

By installing lights, remote work and flexible work arrangements will feel very convenient. The room will also look always aesthetic which will help you avoid a bad mood while working. This method is very effective for maintaining the mood when doing a repetitive job.

Create a Filing System For Your Paperwork

The use of remote work and flexible work arrangements does not mean fully using technology throughout work. There may be times when you still use paper for other necessities, or some archives are still recorded on sheets of paper.

It is essential to have a stack of folders or a hanging file shelf to stay organized. Use something simple to keep papers off your desk and all over the room. And if you are always concerned about the aesthetics of the room, then you can use a fancy rack.

Fill in The Tools Used for Working

Working at home is about working efficiently and saving time, to make that possible you have to add some equipment that supports your work. This includes a computer, printer, paper, and pens. The equipment will not bother you to move far to do printing or just grab a pen.

This method will simplify your work and minimize stress as well. If the company implements remote work and flexible work assignments, you have already prepared the essential things that are needed to make it easier for work to be finished quickly.

Add personal touch

This part is optional, it all depends on your preference and taste such as if you like flowers, then you can add a small flower vase or your favorite action figure to add more enthusiasm to work. But make sure to put it separate from the work table.

For people who are easily distracted, it should be placed in the corner of the room only to be glanced at once when they are stuck at work. Favorite items such as dolls, action figures or dolls can really improve the mood at work.

Why Should a House Office Be Comfortable?

There are many reasons why the home office should be a comfortable place. The reasons may seem like nothing but actually have a lot of impact on your work, mental health, and how you manage stress. For those who implement remote work and flexible work assignment, it is very necessary to know about these reasons.

– A Lot Of Time Will Be Spent In The House Office

Working from home is indeed just staying at home, but the work hours required are basically the same as working from the office. It’s advisable to create a home office that can contain your work tools and keep your emotions in check since you will be spending a long time there.

– Increase Productivity

A relaxing place is very conducive to productivity. It can be a place to work and rest at the same time to refocus. Besides, a relaxed atmosphere can boost creativity and innovation.

– A Comfortable Office Is A Healthy Office

Additionally, if your office is uncomfortable, you may start to feel stressed and overwhelmed, which is not good for your health. A cozy office is a healthy office.

The truth is, the application of remote work and flexible work assignments will feel very different and may surprise you a little if you have spent a long time working in an office, especially if the office has strict rules. And then working at home allows you to get work done in your bed or chair.

But, if you work in comfortable places such as beds and cozy couches, it will make you spend more time lying around. Therefore, the House Office is highly recommended to maintain Productivity to stay creative while working. Just follow the method above to build the home office you want, hopefully it can help you in the process.

Principles of Human Resource Management And Strategies To Maximize The Potential

The word human resources may be familiar to active job seekers. Because every time you send an application or are reading job vacancies on job seeking sites, the word Human Resources always appears as a job poster. However, this job actually includes some important elements to know such as the Principles of human resource management or what strategies are used.

Keep reading this article to learn more about the basic principles of managing human resources and the strategies they used to achieve their objectives from their points of view. Before submitting a job application or if you intend to work in this profession, it can help you a lot.

Definition of Human Resource Management

Human resources management (HRM) is the process of managing employees in the company and their related duties. It comprises hiring, training, encouraging, and keeping personnel. The HRM should ensure the organization’s adherence to all relevant laws and regulations pertaining to the workforce.

Any firm that wants to manage its employees efficiently must have the right staff members in line, that is why HRM is an essential role. Professionals in HRM need to have a solid awareness of both the law and all the different HRM activities. They must have the capability in managing others well and establishing a productive workplace and understanding the main principle of human resources management.

Duties of Human Resources Management

In HRM, a variety of important duties are often used, including:

• Employer relations;

• Recruitment and selection;

• Training and development;

• Performance management;

• Compensation and benefits

To ensure that the workforce is capable of achieving the organization’s goals and objectives, each of these activities is necessary.

Principles of Human Resource Management

principles of human resource management

Actually, the HRM principles of each company are different but still with the same goal. These principles are important to successfully achieve company goals and employee convenience. The Principles of Human Resource Management are important guides to follow when administering employee benefits and designing HR programs. Some of them are listed here:

  1. Equal opportunity – An HR Manager should equalize and treat all employees properly, no matter what their situation or characteristics are.
  1. Commitment to Legal Requirements – HR policies and practices have to conform to all legal requirements. An HR must not break the rules that have been set, they must maintain that commitment.
  1. Consider employee rights – Every job has the same legal protection in accordance with applicable laws. This legal protection must always be considered by HR as the person who is responsible for employee safety.
  1. Privacy protection for employees – Personal information about employees must be safe from exploitation or access by unauthorized parties. Information about employees held by the company must not be freely given to anyone or used without the consent of the person.
  1. Discrimination and intimidation prevention – Employees shall be protected from harassment and discrimination based on any protected condition. In short, employees must be free from any action that puts them under pressure when working collaboratively.
  1. Effective communication – Employees need to be kept aware of any changes to HR policies and procedures along with their rights and obligations. Effective teamwork depends on clear communication to prevent misunderstandings.
  1. A healthy and secure place – Every employee should have a healthy and secure place to work. This is important for their mental and physical health, as it helps them come up with new innovations for the company’s benefit. The employees will not be depressed, and the company will grow.
  1. Learning and growth – Employees must receive the training and instruction required to carry out their job responsibilities. HR must always be aware of the company’s development. Therefore, providing training to employees on a regular basis is important.
  1. Maintaining qualified workers – Employers must take steps to keep skilled workers. HR must also pay attention and maintain the skills of their employees.
  1. Evaluation and improvement – Human resource policies and practices need to be evaluated and enhanced if necessary.

Although each company’s principles of human resource management may differ from those of this principle, it is meant to act as an indicator of the duties and dedication of human resources management to employees.

HRM Strategies To Maximize Human Resource Potential

To make the most of the potential of human resources, management strategies for them should be created. The suggested strategies are as follows:

  1. Set specific objectives and goals.

Setting specific goals and objectives is the first stage in managing human resources. This will make it easier to make sure that everyone is working toward the same objective.

  1. Choose the best candidates

Finding the best personnel for the firm is essential. This will make it simpler to ensure that the business has the best staff and that each one may develop their abilities to the maximum of their potential.

  1. Train and develop employees

You need to invest profits on employee training and development if you want your staff to do their duties correctly. As a result, the production of the organization will increase, and employee skills and personal growth will both advance.

  1. Reward employees

Employees that perform well should be rewarded. This will encourage them and boost teamwork, both of which will benefit the organization. Employees will use the reward as a reason to keep improving themselves.

  1. Manage employee performance

Employee performance needs to be managed to ensure that workers are fulfilling the organization’s goals and objectives. As a result, both the achievements of the company and the productivity of workers will increase.

This strategy aims to maintain and improve the quality of human resources. The benefits gained by the company are influenced by the skills and quality of its employees. Therefore, the HRM profession is very influential.

To sum up, Human Resources Management plays an important role in the company’s growth and success. From selecting the best candidates to hire to protecting employee rights, HRM is responsible. Therefore, there are certain principles of human resource management that must be maintained and strategies that are used in order to always boost human resources.

Role of HR Manager in Organization & How Has it Changed and Evolved

A company can be successful because of many things, one of them is the success of the HR manager in completing his job. By hearing the word Human Resource Management, we will immediately remember the word Recruiting. These two things are related because the main purpose of the role of HR manager is to recruit employees for the company. But is that the only main task of an HR manager?

To find out more about the important tasks performed by HR managers, read on to understand better. There is also a brief explanation of the changes to the duties of HRM over time that will expand your knowledge.

role of HR manager

HR for The Recruiting the Best Candidates

Finding the most suitable employees is the first step in the recruitment process. HRM must determine the exact skills and knowledge needed for the role. Following the identification of the demand, HRM must create a plan for locating eligible people in general. A range of techniques should be used in the recruitment plan, including networking, advertising, and recommendations.

The requirements of potential employees must also be evaluated by HRM. Examining the applicants’ resumes, conducting interviews, and providing tests should all be included in the evaluation procedure. To find the most qualified candidates, HRM must use this information. This is the most crucial initial stage in seeing the potential of the applicant. The resume will only give HR an overview of the applicant. It is at the interview or test that will determine how feasible the candidate is to be accepted.

In order to make a job offer to the top candidates, HRM must discuss further. The job offer needs to come with a good compensation and benefits package. The HR manager will make an agreement with the candidate regarding salary and working hours when accepted. This agreement is to anticipate misunderstandings when starting work later on.

Additionally, the role of HR manager must guarantee that the prospects are a suitable fit for the company. Because if not, it will have an impact on the development of the company in the future. If the candidate does not match the needs of the company, then it is better not to continue.

HR For Training The Employees

One of the key strategies used by HRM to enhance people is training. Training may involve anything from initial orientation for new staff members to particular training in certain parts of the business. Even though those selected are the best candidates among all applicants, they must be given training to make them adaptable.

The role of HR managers is responsible for improving employee performance and company efficiency. HR managers train staff members to develop the knowledge and skills needed to promote professionalism at work, whether working in teams or on their own duties, in order to accomplish this goal. Because employees usually only focus on working using existing skills, even though these skills must be improved.

The link between staff and management also will be solidified through providing training to the employees. Employees will be better informed about the firm’s objectives and culture, which will assist the organization, because each employee is aware of their responsibilities and rights.

Another HR manager’s main responsibility is to provide a reasonable and comfortable work environment. The goal of this activity is to boost employee productivity while lowering their level of workplace stress. As we know, No employee will now produce maximum results if the surrounding environment is not supportive.

HR for the development of employees

In an organization, human resources management HRM is in charge of employee development. They accomplish this via a range of strategies. The strategies are the right ways to improve human resources, not just the ones that make it difficult for employees.

Succession planning is another important method of development that HRM uses. This involves identifying and grooming potential successors for key positions within the organization. This makes it easier to make sure that the business is ready for changes in the future and that staff members may advance their careers and enhance their talents.

By knowing the skills of each employee, it will be easily developed. If skills are developed, great benefits will be obtained. Employees will also get the opportunity to know their abilities, and HR Managers can make plans to make development plans for the company.

The Role of HRM Has Changed Over The Years

As time passes, the function of human resources management has evolved and developed. At first, HRM was primarily concerned with  administrative responsibilities like payroll and welfare. But as HRM’s function has developed, it has grown more strategic and centered on assisting the organization’s performance.

The greater concentration on talent management has been one of the major developments in the role of HR manager. HRM used to be primarily in charge of recruiting and firing employees. But now the responsibility is for managing and developing the organization’s talent.  Identifying and developing future leaders in addition to making sure that workers have the training and abilities required to meet organizational needs.

A different approach to change has been the increased focus on the culture of an organization. In order to support the objectives and values of the company, a positive workplace culture must be established and kept up by HRM. This involves making a work environment that is rewarding and productive, and that inspires individuals to provide their best effort.

The function of HRM has gone through amazing changes and development over time. The management and development of the staff at the company is now the responsibility of HRM. This entails identifying and developing future leaders in addition to making sure that workers receive the training and tools required to meet the demands of the business.

In conclusion, the changing role of HR manager does not change its main function of recruiting and other functions. HRM has a crucial role in the business at all times. In addition to becoming aware when choosing the best candidates, they must also be concerned about their employees’ working conditions and skill advancement. This is carried out to keep a business successful and sustainable.

Excellent Presentation Slides on HR Management and HR Scorecard

Are you tired of spending hours creating HR presentation slides from scratch? Are you struggling to develop your employees and keep their skills up to date with the latest HR trends?

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These brilliant HR PPT Slides are the perfect solution for HR Managers who want to save time, increase their knowledge and skills, and develop their employees effectively.

These amazing HR Slides are designed to provide you with everything you need to create amazing HR presentations and develop your employees’ skills.

All slides are designed in powerpoint files (ppt) so that you can modify and immediately use for your own learning process.

There are 15 excellent HR presentation topics :

1. Competency-based HR Management
2. HR Scorecard
3. Principles of HR Management
4. Measuring ROI of Training
5. Change Management

6. Diagnosing Organizational Effectiveness
7. Good to Great
8. Coaching for Optimal Performance
9. Balanced Scorecard
10. Career Management

11. Communication Skills
12. Emotional Intelligence
13. Developing Leadership Skills
14. Presentation Skills for HR Managers
15. Creative Thinking Skills for HR Managers

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