Understanding the Validity of Selection Tests

Criterion Validity: a kind of validity that is founded on displaying that the predictors or the scores of the test are related to criterion or job performance.

Reliability. This refers to the consistency of the scores attained by the same individual when retested with same or equivalent test.

Content Validity: this is the kind of test that is considered as content valid. The test involves a fair sample of skills as well as the tasks which are truly required for the job in question.

Types of Selection Test. Cognitive Ability Test. this refers to individualized assessment or paper and pencil measures of a person’s general intelligence or mental ability.

Advantages of Cognitive Ability Test
• can be facilitated in group settings where several candidates may be examined at the same time.
• they are highly reliable
• they are less costly as compared to personality tests
• numerical test and verbal reasoning tests have displayed high validity for a broad range of jobs
• scoring of the tests can be completed with the aid of a computer scanning equipment
• the validity increases with rising complexity of the job

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Disadvantages of Cognitive Ability Test
• the distinction between females and males in abilities such as in Mathematics and knowledge may negatively influence the scores of female candidates
• non-minorities normally score one standard deviation above minorities wherein this may result in conflicting influence relying on how the scores are utilized in the selection process.

Personality Tests. This selection procedure measure the personality attributes of candidates that are connected to future job performance. These normally measure one of more of the five personality dimensions such as agreeableness, extroversion, conscientiousness, emotional stability, and openness to experience.

Advantages of Personality Tests
• can disclose more data in terms of the interests and abilities of an applicant

• may result in lower turnover due if candida
tes are chosen for traits which are highly coordinated with workers who have high longevity within the company or organization
• can determine interpersonal traits which may be required for specific jobs

Disadvantages of Personality Tests
• hard to measure personality traits which may not be well-defined

• lack of diversity if all chosen candidates have identical personality traits

• responses by candidates may be changed by candidate’s desire to respond in a manner they feel would lead in their selection
• lack of proof to back up validity of use of personality tests

Interview. A selection of procedure designed to foretell future job performance on the basis of candidate’s oral responses to oral inquiries.

Advantages of Interview
• helpful for identifying if the candidate has social skills or requisite communicative that may be required for the job.
• can be utilized for selection among equitably qualified candidates

• can evaluate the candidate’s job knowledge
• allows the co-workers or supervisors to identify if there is congruity between the employees and the candidate
• enables the candidate to ask questions which may disclose additional data helpful for making a selection decision

Disadvantages of Interview
• interviewers create form stereotypes with regards to the attributes necessary for job success
• subjective evaluations are formed

• decisions are likely to be created within the first few minutes of the interview with the remainder of the interview utilized to justify or certify the original decision

• interviewers form stereotypes concerning the attributes needed for job success has demonstrated unequal rates of selection between minority and non-minority members utilizing interviews

• negative data appears to be provided more weight
• they are not as reliable as tests

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