Struggling to manage HR functions efficiently? Many HR professionals find themselves overwhelmed by the complexities of recruitment, employee development, and talent strategy Without the right tools and guidance, even small HR issues can escalate into bigger problems, affecting your business performance.
Our comprehensive 20 HR Management Presentation is designed to solve these challenges. Covering all essential HR functions, this PowerPoint presentation offers practical insights and actionable strategies.
Each slide comes with detailed presenter notes, making it easier for you to deliver clear, impactful presentations.
The fully editable format allows you to customize the content to suit your specific needs. Whether you’re addressing recruitment, performance management, or people analytics this deck is your ultimate solution. Perfect for HR professionals who want to streamline operations and ensure everything runs smoothly!
In the fast-paced world of marketing, professionals often struggle with the challenge of keeping up with ever-evolving trends, crafting effective strategies, and effectively communicating their vision.
Thinking of doing a presentation tomorrow but don’t know what to talk about? You might interested to try explaining the concept of “Good to Great” for your your team.
For those of you who have been studying HR management for a while, you might be familiar with this term coined by Jim C. Collins.
He is an American researcher, writer, speaker and consultant who focuses on the subject of business management and corporate growth.
One of the popular concepts he introduced is “Good to great”, this refers to a process of making something better into great.
Sounds interesting enough? We’ll dig deeper into what is actually hidden on the concept and its key value. Kindly, continue to read.
Understanding What is Good to Great?
As we said earlier, Good to Great is a concept or process of transforming a company to reach the greatness.
In our opinion, this concept seems want to underlined something important. Yes, sometimes companies already feel good and that is enough, so they are reluctant to reach a higher level.
In fact the status of “Good” is just the beginning. Companies should be able to reach the point of “Great” as their main goal.
This principle is very important in business, to ensure that the business does not stagnate and continues to change for the better over time.
The change that occurs does not have to be spontaneous but rather gradual. More or less, this is what is referred to as the concept of good to great in general way.
The Key Points of Good to Great (For Your Presentation Slides)
Well, after understanding what the concept of good to great is. Next, we will discuss what steps or strategies must be taken to achieve it.
This material can be an outline or discussion points that you can explain on presentation slides when conducting meetings with company teams or internal organization members. Here are the key points.
1. Implementing Level 5 Leadership
Level 5 leadership is a leadership concept that is relevant to the concept of good to great. Companies that want to transform from good to great are encouraged to apply this principle.
These five levels start from level 1 (the lowest) to level 5 (the highest), which is similar to pyramid.
Level 5: Executives, building enduring greatness through a paradoxical combination of personal humility and professional willpower
Level 4: Effective leader, catalyzing commitment and pursuit of a clear and compelling vision, stimulating the group with high standards of performance
Level 3: competent manager, organizes people and resources to achieve set goals effectively and efficiently
Level 2: contributing team leader, contributes to the achievement of group goals, works effectively with others
Level 1: competent individual, making productive contributions through talent, knowledge, skills and good work habits
2. Confront the Brutal Fact, Keep the Faith
From the start, becoming a great company is not easy and this is a fact. In the his principle Collins reiterates that companies that want to go from good to great need to face their biggest challenges.
Maintain an unshakable faith that you and your team will win and succeed no matter what the difficulties are. But at the same time be ready for whatever happens later whether the results match or not with what has been planned.
This brutal fact is what makes this concept sound easy but very challenging for companies whether small or large scale.
This may not be something new or even classic. Collins says that companies that want to achieve good to great make discipline their culture.
Your company must cultivate discipline including in terms of thinking as well as action. In this principle, the workforce not only works but they have responsibilities.
A culture of discipline leads to positive outcomes ranging from a commitment to continuous growth, self-improvement, and better contribution.
Jim Collins also said that a culture of discipline is the cornerstone of enduring greatness.
Alright, that’s all we can say about general perspective of “Good to Great”, these three topics is quite interesting for presentation topics. In case you want to know more about this principle, we recommend you to buy good to great book by Jim Collins for detailed explaination.
Also don’t forget to get your free template about good to great from professional HR management.
Have you ever heard the term diagnosing organizational effectiveness? This term refers to a systematic process to assess and improve the performance of an organization.
Generally, this is one of the most important materials to be learned by HR management to maximize performance in a company.
What Method Used for Diagnosing Organizational Effectiveness?
There are generally many methods or models used to conduct organizational effectiveness diagnosis. We will describe some of the most popular methods and the key points applied to the concept
1. McKinsey’s 7S Model
Firstly, there is the McKinsey 7S model which was first created by Tom Peters and Robert Waterman in the early 1980s. This method is quite popular and is widely applied by companies both from within and outside the country.
In its application, the McKinsey 7S concept contains several points such as
Structure: Organizational design and management structure
Systems: Management systems and technology
Staff: Human resources and skills
Processes: Business and operational processes
Planning: Strategic plans and objectives
Physical: Physical environment and infrastructure
Culture: The culture and values of the organization
The advantage of this method is that it helps you understand the broader impact of change initiatives on the entire organization. However, it does not analyze external factors and their impact on the organization.
2. Six Box Weisboard
Furthermore, there is the six box weisbord model which is also quite widely used to diagnose organizational effectiveness. The person who first invented this model was Marvin Weisbord.
This model is prepared to diagnose system problems (goals, structure, relationships, rewards, leadership, and work mechanisms).
Yes, this method emphasizes on the above points to build organizational effectiveness. Furthermore, these points include the following:
Purpose: Explain the purpose of the organization in a straightforward manner that can be understood by all the workforce.
Structure: Discusses the organizational structure of power relations and relationships in each department.
Relationship: refers to assessing the relationships between individuals, groups, and departments effectively.
Reward: analyzes formal or informal reward systems to ensure fairness and appropriateness.
Leadership: Focuses on management actions in effectively managing people and facilities to achieve goals.
Helpful mechanisms provide methods that can help the workforce coordinate their activities this can be in the form of HR SOPs, reports, and so on.
Benefits of Diagnosing Organizational Effectiveness
There are actually many other models that can be used to diagnose the effectiveness of an organization.
But regardless of the choice of models and methods, it is certain that this action is quite important to improve the quality of a company. Effectiveness diagnosis can provide the following benefits:
1. Identification for Improvement
By applying one of the diagnosis models above, your company can identify areas or parts that need improvement. For example, the application of Six Box Weisbord, recommends organizations to have a good helpful mechanism to help employees coordinate their activities.
If a business entity has not implemented this aspect well, then the evaluation process can easily focus on that part first.
2. Development of Better Strategies
In addition, effectiveness diagnosis can also provide an overview of the condition of the organization, the challenges it is facing, and the opportunities it can achieve.
By knowing this, the management of the company can determine the right steps to plan a better development strategy in the future. Decisions made based on data can gradually increase organizational effectiveness.
3. Maximizing Effectiveness and Efficiency
Of course, the main goal of effectiveness diagnosis is to reach the peak of stability. When a system and work procedures run well, minimal obstacles, everything is coordinated smoothly, it indirectly affects the level of productivity of the workforce in the company.
There is no instant way to determine the diagnosis model of organizational effectiveness. Companies may need to test several existing concepts, then see the changes or progress that have been implemented to assess the suitability of the model to the needs of the organization.
Because each of these models, be it McKinsey’s 7S, Weisbord’s Six Boxes, and others, have their own advantages and disadvantages, no method is 100% perfect.
Please discuss with your internal team and HR to learn more about this issue.
If you wish, provides a template for diagnosing organizational effectiveness diagnosis material. Not only get one discussion, but we have summarized it into one in a complete HR training material package with a total of 15 aspects.
To find out more about this material or consulting about HR issues, you can contact HR consulting services.
HR survey for employees is a data collection method to get feedback or responses from the workforce on certain matters.
The information obtained should be objective. So that it can be taken into consideration to make changes or improvements to the company in the future so that it becomes even better.
In a company, conducting employee surveys is important. Although it is not something that is mandatory. With the survey the HR management can take corrective action in a more planned manner based on the data that has been collected previously.
3 Types of Employee Surveys, the Most Important Parts
As we have discussed earlier, employee surveys consist of various types, three of which are as follows.
1. Employee Satisfaction Survey
Firstly, an employee satisfaction survey is a HR survey method conducted to find out how satisfied the workforce is with the company’s treatment.
The aspects assessed are quite universal covering several sections such as salary, overall benefits, health benefits, work environment, senior leadership, individual management, employee evaluation, available facilities, recognition, training opportunities, and others.
An easy survey format to determine employee satisfaction usually uses a preference classification table method such as “Poor” “Fair”, or “Good”
2. Specific Job Description Survey
This HR survey is aimed at finding out how employees rate the work they do on a daily basis. Starting from the level of difficulty, interest, and targets that have been determined. Indirectly, this method can also be used as data to determine performance load analysis.
Thus, companies can find out whether the workforce placed in certain positions is in accordance or not with the competencies needed.
This is an employee HR survey prepared to find out how good the facilities provided by the company are. This section includes work equipment, supporting facilities for skill development, training, and so on.
In addition, the survey can also be specifically aimed at finding out the satisfaction of the salary or compensation that the company has provided. That way, companies can find out whether they have paid employees a fair salary according to their contribution or competence.
What Tools to Use for HR Employee Surveys?
Good question, there are many tools that can be used by companies to begin employee surveys more easily, quickly, and efficiently.
1. Jotform Template
Jotform is one of the tool website. This site provides many employee survey templates The format is simple, straightforward, and easy to access. accessible makes this method widely used by small to large scale companies to run their surveys quickly and efficiently. companies to run their surveys quickly and efficiently. You can visit the to get more complete details about the the template.
2. Google Form
Want a more simple and easy for many people to understand? HR can also use Google Form to create an employee survey template. This tool can be used for free like jotform. You only need a google account to create it.
If you are confused about how to create survey questions in Google Form, you can see the tutorial video on youtube. This tool is already very popular and is used by millions of companies out out there to conduct employee surveys. Visit this site to get started
3. Buying Paid Tools or Templates
If you need more detailed survey questions, it might be a good idea to consider purchasing a premium tool or template. Paid tools offer more features, easier synchronisation, and other features that may not be available on free survey platforms. Oh, almost forgot you can try ProProfs Survey Maker to create better and professional survey for employee.
That’s the explanation about HR survey for employees, hopefully it can be useful. If you are interested in learning more about such topics, perhaps you can also try the HR management materials available on our website. Get premium material templates for your presentation and meeting needs today.
Do you familiar with SLA? SLA (Service Level Agreement) is an agreement related to the agreement between two or more parties that needs to be made. In fact, not only for business purposes with external parties.
In fact, this agreement document is very important in the recruitment process in the company. Therefore, it is very important for people in the company to understand what a service level agreement.
To help you understand more about SLAs especially in the recruitment process, check out this information below.
What is SLA (Service Level Agreement)?
SLA is an agreement or contract that specifies the obligations that will be given to other parties, such as vendors and customers.
SLA is made to realize the alignment between two or more parties by establishing a long-term business plan and reducing the problems of the cooperation process when running a business.
In general, SLAs are described as contracts between service providers and their customers so that cooperation is documented.
Service level agreements are also two-way in nature that involve other parties in the agreement, both in the fulfillment of rights or obligations between parties.
5 Benefit of Service Level Agreement in Recruitment Process
After understanding the service level agreement in general, let’s delve deeper into the context SLA in human resource management.
Yes, SLAs are also used in employee recruitment, their use can speed up the recruitment process, generate accountability and make talent acquisition an HR priority.
1. Improving the Quality of Hiring
The existence of SLAs can improve the quality of new hires. This is because the hiring process can be made more consistent and predictable. It also reduces internal conflicts between HR recruiters and hiring managers.
Both HR recruiters and hiring managers know understand the needs, expectations.
2. Speed up the Recruitment Process
With a clear deadline as stated in the SLA. Then HR will strive to achieve the recruitment target before the deadline. That way companies can get the employee needed for certain positions in a timely manner.
SLA indirectly helps the recruitment process to be more efficient and effective, reducing the risk of recruitment that takes too long to complete spending more time and effort.
3. Reduce Recruitment Costs
With the shortening of the recruitment and hiring process and the elimination of redundancies, this will reduce the amount of valuable management time that must be spent on recruitment.
Not only that, the less time needed for the recruitment process will also affect the costs incurred by the company.
4. Increase Satisfaction
SLAs create a harmonized understanding between HR and managers and the CEO. HR will work better together and be able to fulfill and understand what the managerial department expects. From this, the satisfaction level of the CEO and recruitment manager can increase.
5. Improves Compliance
Having SLAs makes everyone more aware of what they need to fulfill and what steps they need to take. This can certainly improve the HR division’s compliance with their duties.
Struggling to design an HR service level agreement? You can get a template as a reference or solution to make the process easier.
If you are going to hold a presentation and explain the service level agreement to the leadership, then using a template can indeed be very helpful.
The most important part is to make sure the contents of the SLA match the needs, here are some important points that should be included in the SLA:
1. Services: description of the service, as well as a good and objective presentation. This exposure will make the cooperation more transparent and work well.
2. Measurements: measurement to measure service commitment in accordance with applicable agreements
3. Interval: measure a specific time or period. All SLAs are required to have a section that outlines or explains the length of time the agreement is in effect
4. Obligations: Rights and obligations. These points is made so that both parties can fulfill their rights and obligations according to the SLA.
5. Penalty: This component is a penalty for mistakes made by any party that does not comply with the agreement.
That’s all we can say about service level agreement human resource in recuritment process. Do you find this information quite helpful?
Learn more about various topic on in case you need more get our completed template to elevate your HR management.