The Strategic Roles of Human Resource Management

An organization cannot form a good team of working professionals without the aid of a sound Human Resource Management. The key functions of Human Resource Management team comprised of recruiting the right people, providing them the right training, administering performance appraisal, motivating workers and the workplace communication plus the workplace safety and lots more.

Recruitment and Training are a few of the primary responsibilities of the human resource team. Human Resource managers create plans and strategies for hiring the appropriate individuals. They formulate the criteria that are most suited for a certain job description. Their other tasks connected to recruitment involve creating employee obligations as well as the scope of tasks assigned to her/him.

Founded on these two factors, the contract of a worker with the firm is prepared. When necessary, they also offer training to the workers in accordance to the requirements of the company or organization.

Therefore, the staff members obtain the chance to sharpen their present skills or enhance specialized skills which will eventually aid them to take up some other roles. Continue reading “The Strategic Roles of Human Resource Management”

Employee Performance Management and Performance Appraisal

Performance Management is regarded as a unified system that includes work planning, organization design, assessments and feedbacks which are designed to optimize performance of an individual, the unit and organizational levels and the entire team in order to inspire and develop staff.

Recognition and award systems form part of this program and offers non-monetary and monetary awards in recognition of outstanding performance and other worthwhile attainments.

Why Performance Appraisal is Important?

• This offers a good opportunity to review an individual’s career plans in order to discover her/his displayed strengths and weaknesses.
• Appraisal offers data upon which salary and promotion decision can be formulated.

• This offers an opportunity for a manager as well as her/his subordinates to tackle and review the subordinate’s work-related behavior and then come up with a plan for a corrective action. Continue reading “Employee Performance Management and Performance Appraisal”

4 Key Elements of Training Activities

The Training Process comprises of 4 key elements :
• Training Need Analysis. This involves the training needs or requirements for this job and/or person.
• Training Objectives. The objectives must be observable and measurable.
• Training Delivery. The techniques involve action learning, on-the-job-training and the like.
• Training Evaluation. This measures learning, reaction, behavior as well as the results.

Evaluating Training Needs
• Task Analysis. This refers to a detailed examination and determination of a job in order to determine the required skills so that suitable training program can be initiated.

• Competency Analysis. This is the thorough study of competency level to determine an insufficiency and then rectify it with a training system or a few other development interventions. Continue reading “4 Key Elements of Training Activities”

Understanding the Validity of Selection Tests

Criterion Validity: a kind of validity that is founded on displaying that the predictors or the scores of the test are related to criterion or job performance.

Reliability. This refers to the consistency of the scores attained by the same individual when retested with same or equivalent test.

Content Validity: this is the kind of test that is considered as content valid. The test involves a fair sample of skills as well as the tasks which are truly required for the job in question.

Types of Selection Test. Cognitive Ability Test. this refers to individualized assessment or paper and pencil measures of a person’s general intelligence or mental ability. Continue reading “Understanding the Validity of Selection Tests”

Key Functions of HR Management

Recruitment and Selection. This refers to the processes and procedures in order to guarantee the recruitment and deployment of the appropriate combination of people who can ensure efficient contribution to the firm or organization.

Training and Development. This is considered as a combined role which is usually referred to as HRD or Human Resources Development. This intends to aid develop human resources so to remain competitive in the business or marketplace.

Training concentrates in executing various activities so to help develop workers for their present jobs. On the other hand, development pertains to preparing workers for future responsibilities and roles.

Performance Management. This is all about the culture that bolsters the continuous development of the processes in the business as well as those of an individual’s behavior, skills and contributions. Continue reading “Key Functions of HR Management”

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