Succession Planning – To Have Employees Ready to Fill New Roles

Succession Planning

Succession planning is a function in HR management that is very vital for the future of organization. As the organization expands, there would be new roles to fill. As the time passing by, some key employees may go and leave an empty spots to be filled. Succession planning will guarantees that you will have employees ready to fill new roles and empty spots to ensuring company’s continuity.

Succession planning is important and beneficial for employer. A good succession planning will ensure each role; especially key roles in the company will be filled with strong players with enough knowledge and expertise in the correspondence fields. With succession planning, you will have the successor understand and used to the company culture and objective. Unlike recruiting new people, the successor from succession planning will easily adapt to his new role in the company and already have the same vision and mission with the company. In addition, the loyalty level commonly higher if you prepared your staffs from early stage.

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Remuneration – the Complex and Interesting Area in HR Management


Remuneration could be simply described as how much an employee will be compensated in return of their work. Yet, in HR management, this word is not a simple word because it will involve many parties and could play a big part in the achievement of company objective. Successfully running the function, HRM will help the company to develop fast.

Remuneration is usually comes in the package of salary and benefits packages. The benefits are varying from insurance to incentives to issuing company shares for the employee. The goal of devising a good remuneration is to maintain motivation and loyalty of the employees to increase productivity. On the other hand, company financial should be kept in a good balance. This is why remuneration is complex. Employees must want the remuneration to be huge while company should make it low to maintain a good balance in their finance. Giving too little may lead to reduce of productivity while giving too much will make the company suffered.

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How to Plan Training and Development Program Optimally

Training and Development

The company strongly requires the management of human resources in the company to be able to get the quality and competence in accordance with the qualifications and standards set by the company. Human resource management should prepare a training and development for employees and workers in the company can get the company professionals is needed. Qualified employees and loyalty will be very instrumental to the success of the company later. However, in preparing the training plan was also not easy enough thing to do. Companies will need people who are competent in this field so that the training and development activities undertaken able to achieve the desired target.

Training and development programs can be designed for those who have become permanent employees or contract employees who intended to determine the increase of human resources in an integrated manner. Every company should do these activities to get quality seeds that will be placed in key positions in the company. In addition, the company also can hold a human resource development program for creating opportunities to everyone who is interested to join the company. This way is very necessary to find employees with special abilities that can work well when it joined the company.

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Understanding Definition and Function of Human Resource Management


Human resource management is a process consisting of planning, organizing, leadership, and control activities associated with job analysis, job evaluation, acquisition, sale, or otherwise. In human resource management are integrated set of decisions about labor relations affect the effectiveness of the employee and the organization. In addition, human resource management is also an activity that is done so that the human resources within the organization can be used effectively to achieve various objectives. The main objective of human resources management is to improve the constribution for employees of the company or organization in order to achieve the productivity of the company concerned. The success of the company to achieve the targets and objectives is highly dependent on how the management of human resources in the company.

Human resource management has the following functions:


In this case, human resources management has three essential activities such as planning, withdrawal, and selection of human resources. Human resources are an important asset for the company’s life sustainability that needs to be managed properly. When a company is growing, resource management of the human family will gather some relevant information about the composition and skills of the manpower needed company. Although the recruitment of employees in the company are conducted in full activity by human resources department, other departments in the company also remains engaged to provide descriptions and job specifications to facilitate the process of withdrawal. Continue reading “Understanding Definition and Function of Human Resource Management”

5 Awesome Presentation Slides on HR Management and HR Strategy

You can download all of these amazing slides HERE

1) Fundamentals of HR Management

This presentation provides a complete, comprehensive review of essential HR management concepts and techniques in a highly learnable and understandable form.

2) HR Scorecard and HR Strategy Map

The capacity to design and implement HR Strategy Map/Scorecard represents an important lever that firms can use to design and deploy a more effective HR Strategy. These presentation slides brilliantly show you how to develop a good HR Scorecard. Theses awesome slides also explore the right KPIs for HR Managers.

3) Measuring ROI of Training

Who’s going to support a training program that can’t prove itself? Companies demand bottom line results from all branches of their operations, including HRD. These slides show you the methods and steps of measuring training effectiveness to mark that bottom line.

4) Competency-based HR System

Competency development is one of the hottest topics in the HR profession. This presentation topic shows you the concepts and practical tools to develop and implement competency-based HR system.

5) Diagnosing Organizational Effectiveness

Maintaining organizational health on a regular basis is one of key ingredients for achieving corporate success. This presentation describes how to identify and diagnose your organizational health, and to execute the right treatments for corporate sustainability.

You can download all of these amazing slides HERE

4 Key Principles of HR Management and Human Capital Strategy

Human resource management is the formal system that is in place in an organization in which they employ it to handle and manage the employees of the organization.

In a human resource management, there are 4 elements that outline the key principles. Each of these elements requires careful planning and close maintenance to ensure a seamless operation throughout the organization.

The 4 key principles are:
Acquisition – The manpower planning and employee recruitment are categorized under acquisition where a close assessment and consideration on candidate’s profile needs to be done in order to ensure relevance to the organization’s goals and requirement

Development – There are many training plans and modules that are used under the development aspect of Human Resource Management. Through these, the employees are constantly provided with skills and capabilities to increase their value to the organization Continue reading “4 Key Principles of HR Management and Human Capital Strategy”

Key Performance Indicators For HR Management

Indikator Kinerja Utama dikenal juga sebagai Indikator Keberhasilan Utama (atau KSI). Indikator ini membantu organisasi menentukan sekaligus mengukur kemajuan keseluruhan mereka terhadap tujuan yang ditetapkan oleh organisasi.

KPI adalah pengukuran yang dapat diukur sebagaimana yang telah kita sepakati sebelumnya. KPI merupakan faktor penentu keberhasilan dalam suatu organisasi.

Namun, keduanya cenderung sangat berbeda karena hal-hal tersebut bergantung pada jenis organisasi yang menggunakannya. Sebuah bisnis mungkin memiliki ‘pendapatan’ sebagai KPI. Di sisi lain, sebuah perguruan tinggi mungkin memfokuskan KPI-nya pada jumlah mahasiswa pascasarjana.

Sebagai teori pengukuran kinerja, KPI memerlukan pengendalian dan pengukuran kinerja perusahaan dengan berfokus sepenuhnya pada indikator-indikator penting yang berkontribusi langsung terhadap keberhasilan dan kegagalan perusahaan secara keseluruhan terkait kinerja.

KPI dapat digunakan di berbagai tingkat organisasi meskipun ada banyak pemikiran yang mencakup keseluruhan gagasan tersebut. Misalnya, seorang CEO dapat menggunakan KPI untuk mengukur dan mengendalikan bisnis. Continue reading “Key Performance Indicators For HR Management”

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