HR Strategy in Market Globalization

HR Strategy

Competition among business in domestic area is fierce enough that make every company need to create strong strategy to survive. As the market becomes more global, the competition becomes fiercer when competitors from abroad take some places in the nation. Excellent strategy is required to stand strong on your business field. It would be better if you can spread your wings and take place in global market. To expand operation overseas are now become the goal of many companies.

HR Strategy is important part in company’s strategy to achieve company’s objectives. It is impossible to work on big company alone and more impossible to expand overseas if you do not have staffs to help you. More important, you need to have trustable, reliable, and powerful staffs to work with you and lead the company to the top. All that would be possible if you have a strong and effective HR strategy.

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Succession Planning – To Have Employees Ready to Fill New Roles

Succession Planning

Succession planning is a function in HR management that is very vital for the future of organization. As the organization expands, there would be new roles to fill. As the time passing by, some key employees may go and leave an empty spots to be filled. Succession planning will guarantees that you will have employees ready to fill new roles and empty spots to ensuring company’s continuity.

Succession planning is important and beneficial for employer. A good succession planning will ensure each role; especially key roles in the company will be filled with strong players with enough knowledge and expertise in the correspondence fields. With succession planning, you will have the successor understand and used to the company culture and objective. Unlike recruiting new people, the successor from succession planning will easily adapt to his new role in the company and already have the same vision and mission with the company. In addition, the loyalty level commonly higher if you prepared your staffs from early stage.

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Remuneration – the Complex and Interesting Area in HR Management


Remuneration could be simply described as how much an employee will be compensated in return of their work. Yet, in HR management, this word is not a simple word because it will involve many parties and could play a big part in the achievement of company objective. Successfully running the function, HRM will help the company to develop fast.

Remuneration is usually comes in the package of salary and benefits packages. The benefits are varying from insurance to incentives to issuing company shares for the employee. The goal of devising a good remuneration is to maintain motivation and loyalty of the employees to increase productivity. On the other hand, company financial should be kept in a good balance. This is why remuneration is complex. Employees must want the remuneration to be huge while company should make it low to maintain a good balance in their finance. Giving too little may lead to reduce of productivity while giving too much will make the company suffered.

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How to Plan Training and Development Program Optimally

Training and Development

The company strongly requires the management of human resources in the company to be able to get the quality and competence in accordance with the qualifications and standards set by the company. Human resource management should prepare a training and development for employees and workers in the company can get the company professionals is needed. Qualified employees and loyalty will be very instrumental to the success of the company later. However, in preparing the training plan was also not easy enough thing to do. Companies will need people who are competent in this field so that the training and development activities undertaken able to achieve the desired target.

Training and development programs can be designed for those who have become permanent employees or contract employees who intended to determine the increase of human resources in an integrated manner. Every company should do these activities to get quality seeds that will be placed in key positions in the company. In addition, the company also can hold a human resource development program for creating opportunities to everyone who is interested to join the company. This way is very necessary to find employees with special abilities that can work well when it joined the company.

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Some Keys in Talent Development of Human Resource

talent development

The Company and the other one have a mutually beneficial relationship. However, each company is certainly facing a competition between one another to obtain or achieve the desired target. In this case, the role of human resources in a company that includes employees and workers become one of the capital necessary to withstand the stiff competition. Companies certainly will not live without their workers or employees so that human resources become an important resource of the company. Human resources that is able to support and provide benefits for a company.

Seeing the role and position of human resources is very crucial and important in the progress and development of a company, the company should be able to do a proper recruitment over the people who will work at the company. the choosen people will be very useful in maintaining the continuity of the quality of the entire company. Recruitment can be the one of the important processes that can be done to get the company’s human resources competent and qualified according to the company. However, the recruitment process alone certainly will not be enough to be able to get employees and qualified workers in the company. Companies should also think about the development of the talents of employees working at the company. In which case this is why the company is very important to understand that talent management is a concept related to managing talent for every human resources available in the company.

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How to Conduct Effective Performance Management


In running a business or a business, one way that is powerful enough to have an effective performance management. However, not all companies are able to perform properly and effectively because of limitations or the emergence of some bottlenecks particularly related to human resources owned by the company. To be able to do an effective performance management is urgently needed recruitment of human resources that have the best quality as well as skilled. Thus, the company will be able to walk with a more developed and effective.

A company must have a very require the presence of one or a group of people who can organize and manage the company’s operations. Just as in a motor vehicle, the vehicle driver management is a run and steer the direction where to go or driving. When you look at this story, the role and tasks in the management is quite heavy so the management is usually run by a few people in a company. Surely, the people in charge of the management should have competence in these areas so that they are able to take a strategic policy for the company. Management also has the responsibility for the success or failure of a company’s operations. People who work in the field of management in the company will certainly be held accountable by the owner of the company.

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Strategies in Recruitment of Employees to Get the Best Human Resources

Employee Recruitement

Recruitment is a series of activities that aim to find potential employees by giving them some motivation to be able to demonstrate their skills and knowledge needed to fill positions in the planning of employment at a company. Of course, recruitment into the initial stages of the company’s human resources selecting will work and achieve the target company so effective recruitment process is very important to do.

The main purpose of the recruitment process is not only to produce a certain number of people, but also to lure the applicants were competent for the company with reference to the ability, the match between the requirements of the job with the knowledge, and motivation refers to the match between the characteristics of the job applicant’s personality. By looking at these objectives, the company should conduct the recruitment stage right and effective employees so that employees obtained also the appropriate people.

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