How To Drive Your Business Performance With Human Resource Strategy

Business performance is one of the top priorities of many companies. Combining management and system analytic processes, companies constantly strive to drive business performance to achieve their predetermined mission, vision, goals, and objectives.

Business performance management (BPM) managers need to know several key points in order to effectively manage and drive the company’s performance forward. Many of these key points can be collaborated with Human Resource strategy so that a more efficient and seamless process can be employed.

It’s important to understand the key tools in BPM before a manager can incorporate Human Resource strategy to drive business performance to greater height. Continue reading “How To Drive Your Business Performance With Human Resource Strategy”

How to Conduct Performance Appraisal Professionally

Through performance management, managers and supervisors are able to know the capability of his or her team members.

With this system in place, managers and supervisors are able to find the most suitable plans of action to help underperforming employees improve their performance.

Companies of different business natures employ different types of performance appraisal system.

Even though these systems are unique and exclusive to the company’s business, every performance appraisal system share the same objective – measure and evaluate performance of the workforce to ensure quality and standard are met while at the same time help employees to strive for the best.

How does a business conduct performance appraisal? What are the things that go into an appraisal system? And how is this system efficient in ensuring consistent quality towards driving business excellence forward? Continue reading “How to Conduct Performance Appraisal Professionally”

How to Plan Performance Management in an Effective Way

Perfomance Management

If we talk about the most important foundation for employee engagement and performance, we definitely cannot put performance management out of conversation. This considered as larger than the review of performance which often conducted by the company annually. The process involves a few things, in which the management should provide ongoing and specific feedback both formal and informal; at the same time the management should set specific and clear expectations. There are many elements under the term of management of performance and the result will be very positive if both staff member and manager are willing to put the whole elements in coherent and thoughtful manner.

So what is the first thing to do, so that manager and staff member can arrange the whole elements of performance management in a coherent way? The answer is to create a plan for it. There is a few things to do when it comes to set up a plan for management of performance:

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Technology in Performance Management Improves Efficiency and Output

Perfomance Managament

HR technology is one of the keys on modern human resources management. It is significant in every HR areas, including performance management. Technology in performance management is brought by the use of computers, networks, specific apps, and mobile technology to help performance management processing. The result is improvement in efficiency and output of performance management system.

Performance management often get bad rap due to ineffective process, poor implementation, high cost, and inaccurate appraisal. Technology in performance management could make big different in the process, implementation, cost, and appraisal. The benefits are including:

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Know More about the Performance Management

Performance Management

Talking about the Human Resource Management will be so interesting. HR has lots of task that have a connection to the company and the employee in one time. Become a good Human Resource is not easy because you should be expert in putting yourself in the middle of the company and the employee. You have to know about placing yourself so that you can reach your target between those two responsibilities. When the company has some request then you should accept it but make it suitable with the employee capacity. This responsibility will be so crucial to every HR.

For the definition, the performance management is a systematic approach to improve the individual or team performance in achieving the goal. The definition talks about three important things that you should know.

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How to Conduct Effective Performance Management


In running a business or a business, one way that is powerful enough to have an effective performance management. However, not all companies are able to perform properly and effectively because of limitations or the emergence of some bottlenecks particularly related to human resources owned by the company. To be able to do an effective performance management is urgently needed recruitment of human resources that have the best quality as well as skilled. Thus, the company will be able to walk with a more developed and effective.

A company must have a very require the presence of one or a group of people who can organize and manage the company’s operations. Just as in a motor vehicle, the vehicle driver management is a run and steer the direction where to go or driving. When you look at this story, the role and tasks in the management is quite heavy so the management is usually run by a few people in a company. Surely, the people in charge of the management should have competence in these areas so that they are able to take a strategic policy for the company. Management also has the responsibility for the success or failure of a company’s operations. People who work in the field of management in the company will certainly be held accountable by the owner of the company.

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Smart Strategies to Maintain Employee Motivation and Loyalty

Keeping the employees of an organization positively motivated is arguably the most important aspect of a company. With motivated employees, many organizations have found that the company can be switched on “auto-pilot” mode, where there is no need for extreme supervision and/or monitoring, as each and every employee is driven to success and determine to strive for the best both for themselves and also the company.

However, keeping the employees motivated is only half the job done. As mentioned earlier, it’s still very crucial to hire the right employees with the right attitude so that there will be less constant need for instructions, directions, and supervision.

One of the ways to keep an employee motivated is through performance management, where the employees are given a chance to evaluate their performance with their team leaders and discuss for ways to improve. Continue reading “Smart Strategies to Maintain Employee Motivation and Loyalty”

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