3 Types of Training Need Analysis

Human Resource Department has so many things to do. One of the biggest responsibilities that they should make is about Training Need Analysis (TNA). Training is the important aspect that company should give to the entire employee. Without giving time to do that then the employee will be stuck. Work world is always run fast. Everything changes in a very fast way. The technology, education and other aspects will move so fast and you should know about it well. Training will make the company spend so much money but the employee will give the big feedback later.

Training Need Analysis will make us know about the need of the employee. HR should understand that every single employee, every department even position need different training. Of course, they must have high skill so that they can reach the company goal about standard, income and rank. Good company should have better level every year. The progress should be better than the last year. That is the reason why having the good quality of employee is a must but support them to have better education and skill are also the company responsibility.

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Know More about the Training Steps

Training Staff

As the Human Resource on the training staff then you should know about the responsibility. When you want to conduct the training then you should know about the process first. Training is not as that simple. Training is the important aspect as the employee right to develop their knowledge and also their skill. You can compare between the employee that get a chance to join the training and the employee who have not. Before we talk more about the training steps then you should know about the training definition first.

Training is a kind of activity that followed by the employee on the company. In the training session, the employee will get some material whether it is soft skill or hard skill like their job description. Training is usually using the good speaker that suitable with the training material like leadership training or knows your customer training. The speaker is important because the speaker will be the one and only who deliver the material to the audience.  When you choose the wrong speaker then the information for the training material will be worst. Training staff will be the one who so busy prepare about this thing.

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Retention Strategies: Keeping the Right Talent in a Company

Retention Strategies

As an owner of a company, you have to pass through many problems, and often have to spend so many time, to hire, interview, and identify great employees for your company. So retaining employees became the only priority that must be considered. Retention here involve a set of practices and luckily they are inexpensive to implement. All you need to have is just good retention strategies.

However, the key of all success in term of retention is related to what you are going to do in order to retain good employees. So the key to design retention strategies is learn what your employees are looking for. The best employees who are currently working in a company usually want several things:

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Implementing an Employee Development and Training Program: Goal and Responsibility


A person must aware of a value of learning, which becomes an act that happens all the time. Within a realm of organization or company, an employee must do a lot of everyday activity in order to learn something from it. Furthermore, s/he can learn much from the whole phenomena that is going on around the sphere of workspace. Employee development and training program is the responsibility of the company. However, it is at the same time a shared responsibility of the employee and the management. From the management point of view: training program provide the right environment and resources that in essence will be used to support the development and growth of the employee.

In order to make employee development and training program successful, a management should do the following things:

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Training and Development Main Activities for Organization in General

Training And Development

Training and development is a function to improve job performance in organizational settings. Depend on the type of the organization; training and development could be implemented in various activities. However, training and development main activities are generally the same for every organization. The main activities are described in the following.

The first activity is training. This activity is usually executed as soon as the employee is hired because it focuses on the current job. It trains the employee to the job right, which aligned with company culture and objectives. After initial training, employee could get more training in order to give them more jobs and responsibilities in their current position. Training could be given to the part-timer, contract worker, and full timer. Since training is focuses on current job, it will be evaluated against the job.

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Talent Development Strategies to Engage Employees in Long-Term

Talent development

Talent development strategies are the way to engage employees in the long-term and keep their commitment to the company. Maintaining employee’s engagement and commitment to the company is part of HR jobs. Retaining key employees is very important in order to maintain stability of the company because finding capable, talented, and trusted employees is not an easy job. Although it maybe easy to find new hires, it would be hard to get the quality. In addition, it would be a waste if you lose high quality employees that you found them with much effort. It would be worst if you lose them to your competitor. Therefore, it is very important to add talent development to your talent management.

Talent development is the part of talent management that will help you to maximize person-job fit, give them the opportunity to do more, possibility to have career improvement. It will increase job satisfaction because when employee fit the job, they will satisfy and more engage to the company. When employee gets more things to do and get more in rewards, they will feel more valuable, engage more to the company, and give long-term commitment.

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5 Focus Areas in Employee Development

Employee Development

When we talk about current employees of an organization, we can’t cut out the talk on how a company develop the quality of its employees. The latter is the most important aspects of management. For any companies, employees help shaping the future of organization, and thus they must realize the importance of employee development. Consider employees as part of investment. Without making a great deal in investing employees, a company won’t move closer even an inch in meeting the bright future. Of course there are several areas to focus in terms of development of employees.

Since the main goal is to develop employees’ skills, raise confidence and increase their knowledge, as well as uncover hidden talents, there are at least 5 areas that needs to be focused, particularly if we are talking about employee development:

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